Ecclesiastes 7:26

Ecclesiastes 7:26


This is exactly what a female is all about my beloved!  Don’t be deceived any longer!  Don’t learn the hard way precious soul! God the Father wants you to know what a female is all about before you get into a relationship with a female and/or get married! A female will pervert you quicker than anything on God’s wonderful earth! Make no mistake about it! And now, we see just what a female is all about in our culture of today.  These females are showing their true colors now my beloved!  Evil lesbian tattoos, evil pervert piercings, their evil pervert devil music that females listen to, love and adore, i.e. secular rock music and/or religious rock music aka CCM which is witchcraft! Always remember my beloved that rock music and sex perversion and sex freaks go hand in hand and is it any wonder why females are so perverted and goofy and silly and why they are so full of their “master” and their “father” the devil! Their evil pervert astrology that females love and worship which is witchcraft.  Their evil witchcraft that females love and worship.  Their evil pervert books of lust that females love to read, i.e. romance novels, books of prostitution!  Their evil sex perversion, i.e. prostitution, child molestation, fornication, adultery, whoredom, and all their other evil perverted sex acts that females love and adore including sodomy.  Why do so many white females love black males? Only one reason—sodomy! Their evil pervert clothes that they wear looking like a male and not a female as well as dressing like a street walking prostitute.  Such evil perversion! It is enough to make you want to throw up! This my beloved is exactly what a female is all about just as the HOLY BIBLE states in Ecclesiastes 7:26!!! Their evil heart is snares and nets! Their evil hands are as bands.  How true!!!

In Proverbs 23:27-28 the HOLY BIBLE states: “FOR A WHORE IS A DEEP DITCH; AND A STRANGE WOMAN IS A NARROW PIT.  SHE ALSO LIETH IN WAIT AS FOR A PREY, AND INCREASETH THE TRANSGRESSORS AMONG MEN.”  This my beloved is also what a strange woman aka whore aka fornicator aka adulteress is all about! Females increase the transgressors among men and how true that really is.  They are the ones that create all these serial killers and monsters in the world of today precious soul, it is the females that do it.  The HOLY BIBLE tells it like it is and how much I love the HOLY BIBLE for the wonderful truth that it is! These evil females pervert those little bundles of joy, even from a toddler they create serial killers!!!

In 2 Timothy 3:6-7 the HOLY BIBLE states: “FOR OF THIS SORT ARE THEY WHICH CREEP INTO HOUSES, AND LEAD CAPTIVE SILLY WOMEN LADEN WITH SINS, LED AWAY WITH DIVERS LUSTS, EVER LEARNING AND NEVER ABLE TO COME TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE TRUTH.”  Here again my beloved is just exactly what a female is all about.  The HOLY BIBLE says that a female is first silly and yes they are silly, and second they are laden with sins and yes they certainly are laden with sins, and thirdly they are lead away with diverse lusts and yes they are led away with diverse lusts.  This my friend is exactly what a female is all about again and the HOLY BIBLE had that truth long ago!

In Genesis chapter three we see how evil reprobate Eve perverted everything God said from A to Z! She did not get even one thing correct my beloved! She also lied to Adam concerning the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil that her pervert hands got a hold on and gave to Adam without telling him what that fruit that he was to eat was! Adam did not know what he was eating as the HOLY BIBLE clearly states! Evil Eve did all her evil perversion in a sinless world and how much more now in a sinful world will these evil females pervert and subvert all who she comes in contact with, especially children.  How sad for the wonderful children that have to be perverted by these evil reprobate females!

Also in John chapter 4 you can read where a female from Samaria after talking to JESUS went to the city to pervert all who she could by saying that JESUS was a prophet and told her everything she ever did and by putting a question mark on the deity of CHRIST JESUS!  JESUS is not a prophet but the SON OF  GOD.  In verse 41-42 the HOLY BIBLE states: “AND MANY MORE BELIEVED BECAUSE OF HIS OWN WORD; AND SAID UNTO THE WOMAN, NOW WE BELIEVE, NOT BECAUSE OF THY SAYING: FOR WE HAVE HEARD HIM OURSELVES, AND KNOW THAT THIS IS INDEED THE CHRIST, THE SAVIOUR OF THE WORLD.”  We see that the woman didn’t believe on JESUS even after He said He was CHRIST in verse 26.  Then she went to the city to pervert those people with her jibber jabber anti-CHRIST evil female perversion by saying to them in verse29: “IS NOT THIS THE CHRIST?”! After JESUS told her He was CHRIST this evil pervert silly goofy female has the gall to pervert the people by asking that perverted question! Notice very closely that nowhere in the chapter did she acknowledge that JESUS was the CHRIST even after He told her He was CHRIST! She is now screaming in Hell exactly where she belongs! This again is exactly what a female is all about.  Evil perversion of the HOLY BIBLE and hatred of JESUS! Perverting everything that JESUS says! Now that is exactly what a female is all about my beloved! Don’t be “duped” any longer precious soul by these pervert females in our world today for they will try everything they can to do just that—-to dupe you!

 The HOLY BIBLE states in Revelation 21:8: “BUT THE FEARFUL, AND UNBELIEVING, AND THE ABOMINABLE, AND MURDERERS, AND WHOREMONGERS, AND SORCERERS, AND IDOLATERS, AND ALL LIARS, SHALL HAVE THEIR PART IN THE LAKE WHICH BURNETH WITH FIRE AND BRIMSTONE: WHICH IS THE SECOND DEATH.”   Notice very closely that “all liars” will have their part in the lake of fire! Amen and hallelujah on that!!! All females listen up to what the HOLY BIBLE states here!

Don’t learn the hard way after marriage and after divorce what a female is all about my beloved!!! Be advised beforehand what you are getting yourself into when you marry a female.   As the HOLY BIBLE states, a female is more bitter than death and you cannot get any worse than that my beloved!!!