Questions and Answers

  1.  What is the sin of the world? The sin of the world is “unbelief”! (John 16:9) Unbelief is not believing on JESUS! Not  believing that JESUS was and is GOD in flesh sent from GOD  the Father! The sin of unbelief is a spiritual sin! John 3:18 states: “HE THAT BELIEVETH ON HIM IS NOT CONDEMNED: BUT HE THAT BELIEVETH NOT IS CONDEMNED ALREADY, BECAUSE HE HATH NOT BELIEVED IN THE NAME OF THE ONLY BEGOTTEN SON OF GOD.”  So many in this world don’t believe that JESUS is GOD.  To be saved one must believe that JESUS is GOD or perish in Hell forever.  If you don’t believe your are condemned already, condemned to Hell.  How sad! So believe on JESUS today and be saved.  If the HOLY GHOST is convicting you of your need of salvation then go to the homepage and scroll down and accept JESUS as your own personal Saviour! ***The sin of unbelief is the “ONLY” sin that damns the soul to an eternal Hell!***
  2. Are you searching for the truth? The truth is none other than JESUS.  The HOLY BIBLE states in John 14:6: “JESUS SAITH UNTO HIM, I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE: NO MAN COMETH TO THE FATHER BUT BY ME.”  If you are searching for the truth then look no further than JESUS who is the WORD.
  3. What group of people will populate Hell more than any other group? Hell will be populated by more religious people than any other group! Why? Because religion is not the way to Heaven as all the religions of this world promote including the evil Catholic church! All religions of this world leave out the one and only Saviour who is the LORD JESUS CHRIST! The evil Catholic church and the evil church of England have not the real JESUS! That is why Hell will be populated by more religious people than any other group.  The GOD of the HOLY BIBLE is the “one” and “only” GOD.  All the other gods that people worship are only devils in disguise!
  4. Has the devil got you so mixed up that you don’t know which way is up? Only JESUS can clear up your mind so that you may think straight and correctly! Listening to evil rock music will not do it.  Popping pills will not do it.  Getting drunk will not do it.  Snorting cocaine will not do it.  Smoking marijuana or cigarettes will not do it.  Taking fentenyl will not do it.  Going on a getaway to the beach will not do it.  Romances will not do it. Running away from your problems will not do it.  Peace of mine comes from one place and one place only.  The “Prince of Peace” who is JESUS is the only person who can and will give you peace of mind so that you may think clearly! The devil cannot give you peace of mind for the sinner has no peace and you are a sinner if you have never accepted JESUS as your own personal Saviour.  The devil will only mess up your mind more and more. Give JESUS a chance in your life and see what a difference He will make.  He will calm your inner turmoil and give you the peace that passes all understanding.
  5. What will religion get you? Religion will get you a one way ticket to Hell!
  6. When GOD calls you to the ministry what does He equip you with? He equips you with the truth.  And what is truth? John 14:6 states: “JESUS SAITH UNTO HIM, I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE: NO MAN COMETH UNTO THE FATHER BUT BY ME.”  JESUS is the truth and JESUS is the WORD and the WORD is only the King James Holy Bible!
  7. When the devil calls you to the ministry what does he equip you with? The devil equips you with half-truths AKA lies! All new versions and translation of the HOLY BIBLE are those half-truths! All those new versions and translations are doctrines of devils.  Don’t be fooled any longer my beloved!!!
  8. Are the children in America being robbed of a great wealth? Yes indeed.  They are being robbed of the Gospel as are so many others.  The Gospel is only the King James Holy Bible!
  9. Do I have to repent of my “sins” to be saved? NO! A person doesn’t repent of sins plural but sin singular. Sins are defined as the sins of the flesh and repenting of those sins will not get you to Heaven at all.  To repent of “sin” will get you to Heaven since to repent of sin is to repent of that one sin that damns the soul to an eternal Hell and that is the sin of unbelief. (John 16:9)  The sins of the flesh will not damn your soul to an eternal Hell only the sin of unbelief damns.  You can say that I am going to give up drinking budweiser or bourbon, I am going to give up my boy friend or my girl friend, I am going to give up my doping, I am going to give up my lies and you can go on and on and to repent of all those will still not get you saved. So if you are not saved now then accept JESUS as your own personal Saviour.  Repent of going your way and not GOD’S way and GOD’S way is the JESUS way to get to Heaven! Romans 10:9-10 states: “THAT IF THOU SHALT CONFESS WITH THY MOUTH THE LORD JESUS, AND SHALT BELIEVE IN THINE HEART THAT GOD HATH RAISED HIM FROM THE DEAD, THOU SHALT BE SAVED.  FOR WITH THE HEART MAN BELIEVETH UNTO RIGHTEOUSNES; AND WITH THE MOUTH CONFESSION IS MADE UNTO SALVATION.”
  10. What is a cult? A cult is a church or organization that promotes half-truths AKA lies! As I have said before you get all those half-truths in all of the new versions and translations! Half-truths is defined as wresting the Scriptures.  See 2 Peter 3:15-16.  The prime example of the largest cult in the world is the evil sodomite Catholic church which I call a sissy cult.
  11. What is the age of accountability? That age is different for everyone.  Since I was 10 when I got saved then you can see that the age of accountability is very young indeed. Since a person can be saved at 10 then that very same person can be lost at 10!
  12. What is the first and the great commandment? The first and the great commandment is found in Mark 12:30 which states: “AND THOU SHALT LOVE THE LORD THY GOD WITH ALL THY HEART, AND WITH ALL THY SOUL, AND WITH ALL THY MIND, AND WITH ALL THY STRENGTH: THIS THE THE FIRST COMMANDMENT.”
  13. What is the second great commandment? It is found in Mark 12:31 which states; “AND THE SECOND IS LIKE, NAMELY THIS, THOU SHALT LOVE THY NEIGHBOR AS THYSELF. THERE IS NONE OTHER COMMANDMENTS GREATER THAN THESE.”
  14. Is the Catholic church a Christian church? NO! Indeed not! The Catholic church is a child molester cult and is a “GLOBAL” network of sodomites, lesbians, and Baal worshippers and is in no way Christian but they work under the guise of being Christian. Catholics worship the evil god Baal which is mentioned in the HOLY BIBLE and they worship the queen of Heaven! The queen of Heaven is not Mary the mother of JESUS obviously but a goddess named Mary! Jeremiah chapter 7 talks about the queen of Heaven.  If you study what Baal is all about you will find it is in line with what the evil Catholic church is doing today and has been doing for 2000 years namely sodomy, lesbianism, child pornography, child molestation, child sacrifice to their Catholic god Baal and all other kinds of immorality! This is exactly what the evil Catholic church is doing today!  The evil Catholic church is the largest satanic cult in the world and is a sissy cult.  The evil Catholic church doctrines are full of half-truths! The Catholic church is the church of half-truths! Half-truths are more evil and deceptive than a lie my beloved! Their jesus is not the real JESUS but is a rock and roll jesus and a sodomite jesus! The Catholic church doesn’t even use the HOLY BIBLE but uses the evil ungodly modern version RSV which is doctrines of devils which the Catholics love and adore since they have not the SPIRIT! Since the evil Catholic church uses the RSV that speaks volumes! To learn more about the Catholic church and find out what they are really all about read Mother Teresa’s autobiography.  In the book from cover to cover she says that there is so much darkness in her and she was right.  The pope at that time and all his evil emissaries kept her in the dark and lied to her to the very end.  She was never saved and now is in the pit of the damned! The evil perverted Catholic church and the evil perverted church of England has damned billions of lost souls to Hell with their evil perverted sacraments and devil Catholic doctrines and traditions!!! The evil Catholic church is half-truths and not whole truths! Never forget my beloved that the Catholic church worships their god Baal! It is all coming quite clear now what the evil Catholic church is really all about!  The evil Catholic church since the time of the Inquisition which started in the 1100’s for hundreds of years murdered thousands of Christians.  Read Foxe’s Book of Martyrs by John Foxe and you will discover just what the evil Catholic church did to so many thousands of Christians! Go online and research the god Baal and you will find out the truth concerning the evil Catholic church. Oh, by the way, do Catholics pray to Mary? They will tell you that they don’t but they are liars! The hail Mary is one of their prayers to Mary.  Also the “rosary” has three hail Marys.  The hail Mary is prayer to Mary which is totally evil! Don’t let the Catholics lie to you my beloved!
  15. Are some predestined to go to Heaven while others are predestined to go to Hell? NO! No person is predestined to go to either place.  The HOLY BIBLE states in Romans 8:29: “FOR WHOM HE DID FOREKNOW, HE ALSO DID PREDESTINATE TO BE CONFORMED TO THE IMAGE OF HIS SON, THAT HE MIGHT BE THE FIRSBORN AMONG MANY BRETHREN.”  So there you have it my beloved.  Only Christians are predestined and no one else.  We are to be conformed to the image of JESUS, which means we are to bear His cross here in this life!
  16.  Did you know that as Christians we have two natures? We have the old Adamic nature which is the sin nature and we have the divine nature from GOD.
  17. What is sinning away your day of grace? Sinning away your day of grace is saying no to the precious HOLY SPIRIT for the last time when He knocks on your heart and convicts you of your need of the Saviour who is JESUS! If this happens then that person is sure for Hell as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west! Study Proverbs 2:24-31. Don’t sin away your day of grace but say yes to JESUS and be saved!!!
  18. Why is Heaven going to be so grand? Because He JESUS will be there! (He)aven.  Amen and hallelujah!
  19. Is listening to rock music a sin? YES! It surely is!  Listening to rock music is out right devil worship! The devil does most of his evil work through music.  The devil speaks through rock music loud and clear! Make no mistake about it my beloved, if your child is listening to evil rock music in your home then the prince of darkness is speaking to them through that evil music.  What is the devil saying to your child in that evil music that they listen to???? So many say that the music of the 50’s wasn’t all that bad.  But they are wrong. All rock music since it’s inception in 1951 has been pure evil and satanic.  If you allow rock music to be played in your home then you are saying yes to the devil and his evil presence you will see manifested! Be sure to burn every rock CD, record, or any other rock music you may have in your home today! While you are at it, if you have any of this CCM burn that too!
  20. Are you in darkness? Then turn on the light.  The light is none other than the LORD JESUS CHRIST who is the light of this world!!!
  21. What was Paul’s last name? The answer is found in Romans 16:22.  His last name was Tertius.
  22. Once Saved-Always Saved.  Is it true? YES it surely is! Now concerning once saved-always saved, your son or daughter is your son of daughter by blood and will forever be your son of daughter no matter what sin or crime they may commit in this life.  Likewise we are born into the family of GOD by BLOOD, the precious BLOOD OF JESUS because JESUS BLOOD redeems and forever we will be His child and nothing can break that redemption, nothing nor nobody! No sin or crime that we commit can break our redemption my beloved since we are sealed. In Ephesians 1:13 the HOLY BIBLE states: “IN WHOM YE ALSO TRUSTED, AFTER YE HEARD THE WORD OF TRUTH, THE GOSPEL OF YOUR SALVATION: IN WHOM ALSO AFTER THAT YE BELIEVED YE WERE SEALED WITH THAT HOLY SPIRIT OF PROMISE, WHICH IS THE EARNEST OF OUR INHERITANCE UNTIL THE REDEMPTION OF THE PURCHASED POSSESSION, UNTO THE PRAISE OF HIS GLORY.”   Also look at Ephesians 4:30 which states: “AND GRIEVE NOT THE HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD, WHEREBY YE ARE SEALED UNTO THE DAY OF REDEMPTION.”  So there you have it precious soul, the total truth about once saved-always saved!!! Don’t let any perverted evil clown of the devil tell you otherwise my beloved! One thing that is totally clear and that is we cannot lose our salvation! It is eternal security! Don’t be fooled any longer by these evil false prophets and schemers who want to damn you to Hell with their evil denominational or religious psycho-babble!
  23. What is the SEED that begets eternal life? The answer is the INCORRUPTIBLE SEED which is the King James HOLY BIBLE only!!! James 1:18 states: “OF HIS OWN WILL BEGAT HE US WITH THE WORD OF TRUTH, THAT WE SHOULD BE A KIND OF FIRSTFRUITS OF HIS CREATURES.” The HOLY BIBLE is the Gospel of our salvation!!! How precious and wonderful!!!
  24. When does life begin? Life begins at conception! So yes, abortion is first degree murder of little bundles of joy!
  25. What is the longest word in the HOLY BIBLE? The answer is found in Isaiah 8:1.  The word is Mahershalalhashbaz.
  26. How many disciples did JESUS have? Thirteen not twelve as so many believe.  Acts 1:24-26 says it all.  At that time there were twelve since Judas committed suicide when Matthias was elected but there were thirteen total disciples when you include Judas.
  27. Who was the disciple who was closest to JESUS and the disciple who was leaning on JESUS breast? John.
  28. What three ways does the devil tempt a person? The answer is found in 1 John 2:16.  The answer is lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes and the pride of life.
  29. What is the incorruptible SEED? The answer is found in 1 Peter 1:23.  The HOLY BIBLE is the incorruptible seed and the HOLY BIBLE is only the King James! The King James is not a version!
  30. Who is the master of your destiny? You are! Each and every person has a choice in this life. Will it be the devil or will it be JESUS? It is up to you!
  31. Did you know that there are no ‘if’s” with GOD? JESUS is a know so GOD not maybe so, hope so, or think so, but know so!
  32. Do you know your Creator? To know Him you must hear the WORD which is the Gospel and believe the WORD!
  33. What is a hypocrite? A hypocrite is a person who say they are Christian but listen to evil ungodly rock music.  The two don’t go together.  True Christians do not listen to this Hellish devil worshipping rock music whether it’s the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s,  80’s, 90’s and today you can bet on that my beloved!!! Only the devil’s crowd listen to that satanic garbage so don’t be fooled any longer precious soul by all of these church going hypocrites! By the way, rock music is psychophonic and schizophonic music which means it is insanity music.
  34. What person calls GOD a liar? The answer is found in 1 John 5:10 which states: “HE THAT BELIEVETH ON THE SON OF GOD HATH THE WITNESS IN HIMSELF: HE THAT BELIEVETH NOT GOD HATH MADE HIM A LIAR; BECAUSE HE BELIEVETH NOT THE RECORD THAT GOD GAVE OF HIS SON.”  If you don’t believe the Gospel then you are calling GOD a liar. So believe the Gospel and be saved today!!!
  35. Why is mankind so special? Because GOD only died on the cross for us and not for angels or any other creature. We are also created in the image of GOD. That is why the devil hates us so much because there is no salvation for fallen angels and no other creature is created in the image of GOD!
  36. What is belief in the LORD JESUS CHRIST? Belief is conception! Life begins at conception! As in the physical so in the spiritual!
  37. What is the whole duty of man?  The answer is in Ecclesiastes 12:13 which states: “LET US HEAR THE CONCLUSION OF THE WHOLE MATTER: FEAR GOD, AND KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS: FOR THIS IS THE WHOLE DUTY OF MAN.”
  38. What happened in 1951? The first rock song was recorded which was “Rocket 88”.  The start of rebellion of GOD through music and the beginning of damning children to Hell in the USA through that evil music!
  39.  What happened in 1952? The ungodly evil RSV was published to damn many many souls to Hell right in timing with evil soul damning rock music.  How sad! The god of this world used his evil emissaries to produce the evil soul damning RSV as well as all the other modern evil versions and translations! It is also the same year that a wave of UFO sightings occurred in America which they say were the most sightings ever.  Do they correlate????????
  40. What was the star that guided the wise men? The star was an angel most likely Gabriel!
  41. What is solution to despair? That solution is the Rock Of Ages who is JESUS!
  42. Where is Hell located? Hell is located under the earth as Revelation 5:3 states.
  43. Which way are you going today? Are you going your way or are you going the JESUS way? The JESUS way is the only way to Heaven!
  44. What was JESUS first miracle? He turned water into wine. John chapter 2 and John 4:46.  JESUS turned water into wine not grape juice or any other juice but just wine.
  45. How many sins does the average sinner (unsaved person) have? A multitude as James 5:20 states.  To erase all those sins JESUS must be your propitiation, your sin bearer, your Saviour!
  46. Why do so many people at Christmas write Xmas? Because these evil JESUS haters want to X-out CHRIST but they will never be able to do it.  Thank GOD for that!
  47. What is most missing in America? The real JESUS of Nazareth preached in the pulpit!!!
  48. Has the devil slipped you a counterfeit salvation? You get that counterfeit salvation in all the new versions and translations since they all are doctrines of devils!
  49. Is religion the opium of the people as a Russian dictator once said? YES! Religion is the opium of the people! Religion is a satanic drug! How very true and how very sad!
  50. How tall were the giants that were mentioned in the HOLY BIBLE in Genesis 6 and in Numbers 13:33? 450 feet tall so says the Book of Enoch chapter 7.
  51. What is the greatest tragedy and the greatest gift of all? The greatest tragedy is never accepting JESUS as your own personal Saviour and the greatest gift of all is the free gift of salvation which is only given by JESUS! That gift is free by the way!
  52. Is your pastor a counterfeit? You will know by what book he has in the pulpit.  Does he have the one and only HOLY BIBLE which is only the King James or does he have doctrines of devils AKA all new versions and translations! All means all, not some, not many, not most, but all!
  53. What is religion? Religion is the belief in a god. A god doesn’t give salvation but JESUS does!
  54. What is the best thing that can happen to you? Lose your religion!
  55. Is suicide a way out or a way in? Suicide is a way in; a way into Hell for the unsaved.  Christians who commit suicide don’t go to Hell but go to Heaven since we cannot lose our salvation no matter what sin we commit in this life as per the HOLY BIBLE! Ephesians 1:13 and Ephesians 4:30 is what GOD says about the matter. Don’t listen to all these jibber jabberers who think they know what the HOLY BIBLE says.
  56. Did you know that you can know what a person is by their fruits? Their fruits will tell the story of what they really are not what they say they are my beloved!
  57. Why did JESUS die at age 33? 3+3=6. Six is the number of man! Everything for mankind did JESUS give! Have you accepted His wonderous gift yet?
  58. How many hours was JESUS on the cross? Six! Six is the number of man.  Everything for mankind did JESUS give! Mark chapter 15 says it all!
  59. Who are the only people on earth who have a sound mind? The answer is only Christians have a sound mind as 2Timothy 1:7 states: “FOR GOD HATH NOT GIVEN US THE SPIRIT OF FEAR; BUT OF POWER, AND OF LOVE, AND OF A SOUND MIND.”
  60. What is the greatest love story? The old rugged cross!
  61. Does the Rose of Sharon bloom in your heart? If not then listen to the incorruptible SEED, believe, and be saved and let the Rose of Sharon bloom in your heart today!
  62. What is this mental illness we hear so much of these days and what is it all about? Mental illness for the most part (95%) is demonic since the battleground is in the mind of all people on planet earth.  The devil wages the battle in our minds and that is the battleground.  Most every time a serious crime is committed the police say that the person had a history of mental illness when if fact they were just full of their master who is the devil and no doubt that person listened to evil rock music everyday.  The devil speaks through rock music my beloved.  He speaks of murder! The HOLY BIBLE states in John 10:10: “THE THIEF COMETH NOT, BUT TO STEAL, AND TO KILL, AND TO DESTROY: I AM COME THAT THEY MIGHT HAVE LIFE, AND THAT THEY MIGHT HAVE IT MORE ABUNDANTLY.”   These three things the devil shouts when listening to evil rock music! Make no mistake my beloved!!! The solution to so called mental illness is to get saved and then your body is the temple of the HOLY GHOST!!!
  63. What two things last forever on planet earth? People and the HOLY BIBLE!
  64. Where do all liars go after departing this life? They all go to Hell and then to their final destination which is the lake of fire better known as the “second death”! “BUT THE FEARFUL, AND UNBELIEVING, AND THE ABOMINABLE, AND MURDERERS, AND WHOREMONGERS, AND SORCERERS, AND IDOLATERS, AND ALL LIARS, SHALL HAVE THEIR PART IN THE LAKE OF FIRE WHICH BURNETH WITH FIRE AND BRIMSTONE: WHICH IS THE SECOND DEATH.”
  65. Did you know that if you are not saved that the devil has blinded your mind? Yes indeed that is so true! The HOLY BIBLE states in 2 Corinthians 4:3-4: “BUT IF OUR GOSPEL BE HID, IT IS HID TO THEM THAT ARE LOST: IN WHOM THE god OF THIS WORLD HATH BLINDED THE MINDS OF THEM WHICH BELIEVE NOT, LEST THE LIGHT OF THE GLORIOUS GOSPEL OF CHRIST, WHO IS THE IMAGE OF GOD, SHOULD SHINE UNTO THEM.”  So there you have my beloved, if you are not yet saved the devil who is the god of this world has blinded your mind.  So hear the Gospel and believe the Gospel and receive the Gospel and be saved today and be in that number when the saints go marching in!!! Amen and hallelujah!
  66. How are we made the righteousness of GOD? The answer is found in 2 Corinthians 5:21 which states: “FOR HE HATH MADE HIM TO BE SIN FOR US, WHO KNEW NO SIN; THAT WE MIGHT BE MADE THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD IN HIM.” You are not made the righteousness of GOD by baptism, church membership, giving money, going to Catholic mass, being religious, or being a good person.  Only “IN HIM”! Only IN CHRIST are we made the righteousness of GOD!
  67. Are you truly saved or did the devil slip you a counterfeit? To be truly saved you must possess the HOLY GHOST! Do you possess the HOLY GHOST? Romans 8:9 states: “BUT YE ARE NOT IN THE FLESH, BUT IN THE SPIRIT, IF SO BE THAT THE SPIRIT OF GOD DWELL IN YOU.  NOW IF ANY MAN HAVE NOT THE SPIRIT OF CHRIST, HE IS NONE OF HIS.”  So there you have it my beloved.  If you don’t possess the HOLY GHOST then you are not saved and are Hell bound at this moment.  Believe and receive the LORD JESUS CHRIST today and be saved!!!
  68. What is the greatest service a person can do for another? To show another the “way of salvation”!
  69. Did you know that all religions of this world are “works” based? How true that really is! They teach that you have to work your way to Heaven by doing good works and good deeds, but you cannot work your way to Heaven, for JESUS is the way! John 14:6.
  70. Who are all of those who are un-American? All those who are anti-Christ!
  72. Does the wrath of GOD abide on you? If you do not believe on JESUS then the wrath of GOD abides on you.  John 3:36 states: “HE THAT BELIEVETH ON THE SON HATH EVERLASTING LIFE: AND HE THAT BELIEVETH NOT THE SON SHALL NOT SEE LIFE; BUT THE WRATH OF GOD ABIDETH ON HIM.”  So believe on the LORD JESUS CHRIST and be saved today my beloved because you don’t want to go to the pit of the damned where that evil rock star Crosby is now.  He said that Heaven is too overrated.  How sad!
  73. Where can I find meaning in a meaningless world? You find meaning only in CHRIST since this evil world is a CHRIST hating world hellbent on going to Hell!
  74. Is you house haunted? It is if you have evil satanic rock music in it.  All rock music is satanic and evil and as I have said before the devil speaks through evil rock music loud and clear.  No wonder we have so much family problems in America! Be sure to burn all evil rock music today and your home will be a much cleaner and much more inviting home.  While you are at it burn all country music too!
  75. Is your pastor a crowd pleaser or a GOD pleaser? To be a GOD pleaser the pastor must have only in his pulpit the King James HOLY BIBLE which is the only HOLY BIBLE! If he is a crowd pleaser then he will not have the King James but will have doctrines of devils AKA all new modern versions and translations! WHAT IS YOUR PASTOR ALL ABOUT MY BELOVED?
  76. Did you know that Heaven gets sweeter the closer you get? Yes indeed that is so true.  I have been a Christian for 55 years plus and it just gets sweeter everyday.
  77. Did you know that being in a Christian family doesn’t make you a Christian? How true that really is.  Everyone must come by the way of the cross to be saved.  Salvation is not transferred from generation to generation or by being in a Christian family.
  78. Why is 95% of our problems in this world demonic? Because we live in a spiritual world with the god of this world who resides just above us in the blue atmosphere. The god of this world is the devil. The devil resides there with most of his fallen angels.  The HOLY BIBLE states in Ephesians 6:11-12: “PUT ON THE WHOLE ARMOUR OF GOD, THAT YE MAY BE ABLE TO STAND AGAINST THE WILES OF THE DEVIL.  FOR WE WRESTLE NOT AGAINST FLESH AND BLOOD, BUT AGAINST PRINCIPALITIES, AGAINST POWERS, AGAINST THE RULERS OF DARKNESS OF THIS WORLD, AGAINST SPIRITUAL WICKEDNESS IN HIGH PLACES.”  Yes we live in a spiritual world and yes 95% of our battles are demonic and the battleground is in the mind! Christians are the only people who have a sound mind.  The unsaved do not have a sound mind.
  79. What are GOD’S three deadlines?  The unpardonable sin, sinning away your day of grace and the sin unto death.
  80. What is the difference between the “peace of GOD” and “peace with GOD”? Peace of GOD comes when one is saved and peace with GOD is when a Christian is living in the center of GOD’S will!  How wonderful!
  81. Did you know that the people who are the most unloveable need love the most! How true that really is my beloved.  So show some unloveable person or persons JESUS so that their sins can be washed away in His precious BLOOD!!! Amen and hallelujah!
  82. Why is depression on the increase? Because evil rock music is on the increase.  This evil is in the airways everywhere from coast to coast.  The devil speaks through evil rock music which is filled with demonic activity so naturally a person is going to get depressed since depression is an evil spirit.  In a very few cases depression can be a physical ailment, but 95% plus is demonic.
  83. Why is evolution such an evil lie? Because apes and humans cannot procreate together. You can only procreate within your own species.  If we evolved from apes then we could obviously procreate with them but that is not possible at all.  DNA!
  84. Did you know that the caliber of a nation can be determined by that nation’s battle hymn? Our battle hymn is glorious! The heart of America is our battle hymn!
  85. What is wrong with all the troubled children in the USA? They were never shown JESUS! How sad.  Children need to be saved just as adults do.
  86. Is the shroud of Turin the image of JESUS? NO! The HOLY BIBLE states in Isaiah 52:14: “AS MANY WERE ASTONIED AT THEE; HIS VISAGE WAS SO MARRED MORE THAN ANY MAN, AND HIS FORM MORE THAT THE SONS OF MEN.”  Also in Isaiah 50:6: “I GAVE MY BACK TO THE SMITERS, AND MY CHEEKS TO THEM THAT PLUCKED OFF THE HAIR: I HID NOT MY FACE FROM SHAME AND SPITTING.”  The shroud of Turin is not JESUS because the image is of a man who is not so marred as these two verses say of JESUS! You can clearly see the image of the man!
  87. What is purgatory? It is a Catholic doctrine hatched by their evil master who is the devil.  There is no purgatory my beloved! The Catholic church is the synagogue of evil! All Catholics worship their evil master who is the devil.  Make no mistake about it!
  88. How were the pyramids in Egypt built? The book of Genesis states in chapter 6 that when the fallen angels came to earth in centuries past they procreated with females and produced giants.  The book of Enoch states that those giants were 450 feet tall.  A man who is 450 feet tall can easily pick up one of those stones on the great pyramid. The great pyramid is 450 feet tall by the way.  The people in Egypt did not build the pyramids.  Numbers 13:33 states that people were as grasshoppers in the sight of those giants.  A person would not be as a grasshopper in the sight of a giant who is 10 feet tall but a giant who is 450 feet tall a person would be as a grasshopper in the sight of that giant.  Those giants were the ones who built all of those huge buildings in the past all over the world like Easter island for example. Get the book of Enoch from the Ethiopic by Laurence 1882 from for it has a lot of information regarding our past.
  89. Can you be a Catholic and Christian? NO! Indeed not.  If a person who is a Catholic gets saved then that person will immediately leave that child molester cult and go to a King James only church.  They will not stay in that evil cult any longer my beloved. Don’t be fooled by all these hypocrites in the USA for they are a dime a dozen my beloved!!!
  90. Did you know that GOD is the Father of all who believe in His only begotten Son JESUS and the devil is the father of all who don’t believe? Yes that is so true for sure.
  91. Should a female be the pastor of a church? NO! Indeed not! 1 Timothy 2:11-14 states: “LET THE WOMAN LEARN IN SILENCE WITH ALL SUBJECTION. BUT I SUFFER NOT A WOMAN TO TEACH, NOR TO USURP AUTHORITY OVER THE MAN, BUT TO BE IN SILENCE.  FOR ADAM WAS FIRST FORMED, THEN EVE.  AND ADAM WAS NOT DECEIVED BUT THE WOMAN BEING DECEIVED WAS IN THE TRANSGRESSION”.  So there you have it my beloved!  Also in 2 Timothy 3:6 which states: “FOR OF THIS SORT ARE THEY WHICH CREEP INTO HOUSES, AND LEAD CAPTIVE SILLY WOMEN LADEN WITH SINS, LED AWAY WITH DIVERS LUSTS”.  The HOLY BIBLE declares that females are #1 silly and indeed they surely are and #2 laden with sins and indeed they surely are and #3 they have diverse lusts and indeed they surely do!  These are but three reasons among other things why females should not be the pastor of a church!  Females never cease to pervert the creation of GOD and the HOLY BIBLE as in the garden of Eden where Eve perverted everything GOD said from A to Z and that was in a sinless state too! How much more now are they perverting this world in a sinful state!  Do not go to a church where there is a “perverted, silly, reprobate female pastor” for 99.9 % of them are evil perverted lesbians make no mistake about it! All and I mean all of these evil silly, pervert female pastors are working for their evil perverted master who is the devil! Never forget that fact! For good measure we read in Ecclesiastes 7:26: “AND I FIND MORE BITTER THAN DEATH THE WOMAN, WHOSE HEART IS SNARES AND NETS, AND HER HANDS ARE AS BANDS: WHOSO PLEASETH GOD SHALL ESCAPE FROM HER; BUT THE SINNER SHALL BE TAKEN BY HER.”  This my beloved is what a female is all about.  If you are a male thinking about marriage to a female then you should heed this verse in the HOLY BIBLE.  GOD want’s you to know!  Don’t learn the hard way what a female is all about when GOD makes it clear to you what a female is “all” about! That is why you see so many husbands kill their wives when they find out the truth of what that female really and truly was all about! If those husbands would have studied 7:26 before marriage then they would have been much better off indeed! DON’T LEARN THE HARD WAY!
  92. Are your sins covered by the “Crimson Flow”? To be covered by that wonderful Crimson Flow you have to accept JESUS as your own personal Saviour.  John 5:24 states: “VERILY, VERILY, I SAY UNTO YOU, HE THAT HEARETH MY WORD, AND BELIEVETH ON HIM THAT SENT ME, HATH EVERLASTING LIFE, AND SHALL NOT COME INTO CONDEMNATION; BUT IS PASSED FROM DEATH UNTO LIFE.”  Hear GOD’S WORD and believe GOD’S WORD for JESUS shed His BLOOD for you if you are not saved! Believe that GOD the Father sent JESUS the Son to earth to die for the sins of the whole world as the one and only sinless sacrifice on the cross of Calvary.
  93. If you are a Christian what one thing will you hate? Rock music! Why? Because rock music is bowing down to the devil in worship of the devil. Rock music is pure evil and is insanity music as I have said before.
  94. When a person is born are they immortal? YES! All people are immortal which means they will exist forever. Most will be in Hell as Matthew 7:14 states. Very few will enter Heaven! How sad!
  95. Is your name written in the Lamb’s Book of Life? If it is not then Revelation 20:12-15 states where you will be for eternity! To have your name written in the Lamb’s Book of Life you must be saved by accepting JESUS as your own personal Saviour for He alone is the Saviour! Go to the homepage and be saved today!
  96. When a person is baptized do you baptize that person in JESUS name only? NO! You baptize that person in the name of the FATHER, and of the SON, and of the HOLY GHOST! Matthew 28:19 says it all for all to believe!
  97. When a person becomes a Christian can that person live the Christian life in his own power? NO! John 1:12-13 states: “BUT AS MANY AS RECEIVED HIM TO THEM GAVE HE POWER TO BECOME THE SONS OF GOD, EVEN TO THEM THAT BELIEVE ON HIS NAME: WHICH WERE BORN, NOT OF BLOOD, NOR OF THE WILL OF THE FLESH, NOR OF THE WILL OF MAN, BUT OF GOD.”  So there you have it my beloved, you cannot live the Christian life in your own power.  I am so glad that JESUS gives us the power to live that Christian life and to show others the way of salvation! If you are not yet saved then be saved today!
  98. In John chapter one when John the baptist saw JESUS coming toward him he said behold the Lamb of GOD which taketh away the sin of the world.  What sin was he talking about? The answer is the sin of unbelief as John 16:9 states. Unbelief is the sin that damns the soul to an eternal Hell.  You can name any crime or sin and that crime or sin will not damn you to Hell.  Only the sin of unbelief damns my beloved! The unpardonable sin which is blasphemy of the HOLY GHOST is  produced from unbelief.  It all goes back to that one sin of unbelief!
  99. What are UFO’s? They are satanic in origin and are demonic beings.  They look demonic because they are demonic! If you read the Blue Planet Project book you will discover that the so called extra-terrestrials say that JESUS is a product of their religious conspiracy to pacify the people of earth.  It is all pure evil! UFO’s are all pure evil from the god of this world obviously! Don’t be fooled any longer my beloved.  UFO’s are not from some long distance planet as the ufoligists say.
  100. As Christians how shall we control our thinking? The answer is found in 2 Corinthians 10:5 which states: “CASTING DOWN IMAGINATIONS, AND EVERY HIGH THING THAT EXALTETH ITSELF AGAINST THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD, AND BRINGING INTO CAPTIVITY EVERY THOUGHT TO THE OBEDIENCE OF CHRIST”.  Yes we need to bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of CHRIST since the battleground is in the mind!
  101. Do you possess the HOLY GHOST? If not then obviously you are not saved because all who are saved do possess the HOLY GHOST as Romans 8:9 states: “BUT YE ARE NOT IN THE FLESH, BUT IN THE SPIRIT, IF SO BE THAT THE SPIRIT OF GOD DWELL IN YOU.  NOW IF ANY MAN HAVE NOT THE SPIRIT OF CHRIST, HE IS NONE OF HIS.”  So there you have it my beloved.  When a person is saved that person receives the SPIRIT OF CHRIST which is the HOLY GHOST! Are you saved today? If not then go to the home page and scroll down and receive salvation today! John 3:5 states: “JESUS ANSWERED, VERILY, VERILY, I SAY UNTO THEE, EXCEPT A MAN BE BORN OF WATER AND OF THE SPIRIT, HE CANNOT ENTER THE KINGDOM OF GOD.”  A person has to be born of WATER which is the HOLY BIBLE and of the SPIRIT which is the HOLY GHOST to be saved and to get to the Kingdom of GOD which is Heaven precious soul!
  102. Are you just a lost church member or have you been born again? The parable of the sower in Matthew 12:3-9 tells us that only one quarter of the seed fell on good ground which is indicative that only one quarter of all the peoples of earth will be saved which is so heartbreaking! That means that only one quarter of all church members are actually saved.  Three quarters are lost in the churches of today! So many go to church and fill out the card and become a church member but have never been born again spiritually.  What about you? Are you saved? Are you born again of the HOLY GHOST??? A person is born again when that person hears the WORD and believes the WORD and that person believes the WORD with the heart and then the HOLY GHOST is placed in the heart of that believer.  I have been born again for 55 years plus and the HOLY GHOST in me is so glorious and wonderful.  To be able to pray to GOD almighty is just so precious and for the HOLY GHOST to speak to you is just so wonderful!
  103. By what means do we have redemption? The answer is found in Ephesians 1:7: “IN WHOM WE HAVE REDEMPTION THROUGH HIS BLOOD, THE FORGIVENESS OF SINS, ACCORDING TO THE RICHES OF HIS GRACE.”  Only by the precious BLOOD OF JESUS are we redeemed.  Not by baptism, church membership, being religious, giving money, being a good person, or by works! One thing about it, we cannot work our way to Heaven as all the religions of this world promote in their evil doctrines!
  104. What is the fruit of the HOLY SPIRIT? The answer is in Galatians 5:22 which states: “BUT THE FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT IS LOVE, JOY, PEACE, LONGSUFFERING, GENTLENESS, GOODNESS, FAITH, MEEKNESS, TEMPERANCE: AGAINST SUCH THERE IS NO LAW.”  When a person is saved that person possesses the HOLY GHOST and as such these fruits will be manifested in the life of that believer.  The joy is just so wonderful and the peace is absolutely glorious! Amen and hallelujah!
  105. In this wacko generation that thinks there are more than two genders, what does almighty GOD have to say about it? Mark 10:6 states: “BUT FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE CREATION GOD MADE THEM MALE AND FEMALE.”  So there you have it my beloved.  There is only but two genders. No non-binary, no gender neutral, no trans-gender, no third gender or any other perverted goofiness!
  106. Where did the black race come from since everyone else is caucasion? The answer is found in the book of Jasher!
  107. What does a fornicating female do for our society? That answer is found in Proverbs 23:27-28: “FOR A WHORE IS A DEEP DITCH; AND A STRANGE WOMAN IS A NARROW PIT.  SHE ALSO LIETH IN WAIT AS FOR A PREY, AND INCREASETH THE TRANSGRESSORS AMONG MEN.”   So we see what a female fornicator does for our society.  That evil female increases the transgressors among men which means she creates all these evil serial killers and all the other evil felons in our prisons today and in our world! That is what a female will do my beloved.  Don’t be deceived any longer!
  108. Do all roads lead to Heaven and is there more than one way to Heaven? I’m glad you asked.  The answer is in Isaiah 43:11: “I, EVEN I, AM THE LORD; AND BESIDE ME THERE IS NO saviour.”  JESUS is the only Saviour my beloved and He is the one and the only Way!!! I’m go glad!
  109. How much does GOD love us? The answer is found in John 3:16: “FOR GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD, THAT HE GAVE HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON, THAT WHOSOEVER BELIEVETH IN HIM SHOULD NOT PERISH, BUT HAVE EVERLASTING LIFE.”  GOD the Father gave JESUS and also GOD has given us his WORD which is the King James HOLY BIBLE and only the King James! Did you know also that GOD the Father sent JESUS to earth only for us.  JESUS is not the Redeemer for angels or any other creature only for us! Now that is love my beloved!
  110. What is life eternal? Let us go to John 17:3 which states: “AND THIS LIFE ETERNAL, THAT THEY MIGHT KNOW THEE THE ONLY TRUE GOD, AND JESUS CHRIST, WHOM THOU HAST SENT.”  So there you have it my beloved! The HOLY BIBLE states that there is only one GOD and that GOD the Father sent JESUS CHRIST to earth to be our Redeemer and so He is! You know GOD the Father through JESUS CHRIST His only begotten Son!
  111. What is the only Book that is able to make you wise unto salvation? The obvious answer is found in 2 Timothe 3:15: “AND THAT FROM A CHILD THOU HAST KNOWN THE HOLY SCRIPTURES, WHICH ARE ABLE TO MAKE THEE WISE UNTO SALVATION THROUGH FAITH WHICH IS IN CHRIST JESUS.”  Yes indeed the HOLY BIBLE is able to make one wise unto salvation and only the HOLY BIBLE! Notice very closely that only faith in CHRIST JESUS is where salvation is!
  112. What is the only Book which makes a man throughly furnished unto all good works? 2 Timothy 3:16 states: “ALL SCRIPTURE IS GIVEN BY INSPIRATION OF GOD, AND IS PROFITABLE FOR DOCTRINE, FOR REPROOF, FOR CORRECTION, FOR INSTRUCTION IN RIGHTEOUSNESS: THAT THE MAN OF GOD MAY BE PERFECT, THROUGHLY FURNISHED UNTO ALL GOOD WORKS.”  Yes my beloved only the HOLY BIBLE is that Book!
  113. What does it mean to be saved which means to be born again? When a person is born again that person is regenerated spiritually and are partakers of the HOLY GHOST.  Titus 3:4-5 states: “BUT AFTER THAT THE KINDNESS AND LOVE OF GOD OUR SAVIOUR TOWARD MAN APPEARED, NOT BY WORKS OF RIGHTEOUSNESS WHICH WE HAVE DONE, BUT ACCORDING TO HIS MERCY HE SAVED US, BY THE WASHING OF REGENERATION, AND RENEWING OF THE HOLY GHOST.”  Yes, we have been regenerated for all of you who are saved!
  114. Is money the root of all evil? NO! Indeed not! The HOLY BIBLE clearly teaches that truth!
  115. Is the love of money the root of all evil? YES INDEED! 1 Timothy 6:9-10 states: “BUT THEY THAT WILL BE RICH FALL INTO TEMPTATION AND A SNARE, AND INTO MANY FOOLISH AND HURTFUL LUSTS, WHICH DROWN MEN IN DESTRUCTION AND PERDITION.  FOR THE LOVE OF MONEY IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL: WHICH WHILE SOME COVETED AFTER, THEY HAVE ERRED FROM THE FAITH, AND PIERCED THEMSELVES THROUGH WITH MANY SORROWS.”  Yes my beloved the “love” of money is the root of all evil.  So many I have talked to say that money is the root of all evil but they are wrong as usual.  The HOLY BIBLE tells it like it is-the truth!
  116. In the beginning did GOD create the heavens and the earth? NO! I heard Rod Serling of Night Gallery say that the HOLY BIBLE says that GOD created the heavens and the earth.  He was wrong big time.  Genesis 1:1 states: “IN THE BEGINNING GOD CREATED THE HEAVEN AND THE EARTH.”  Yes GOD created the heaven not heavens as so many say.  They misquote the HOLY BIBLE every time!
  117. How many proverbs and songs did Solomon write? The answer is 3000 proverbs and 1005 songs as per 1Kings 4:32.
  118. Where can I find peace in an unpeaceful world? The answer is peace is only found when a person is “IN CHRIST”! John 14:27 states: “PEACE I LEAVE WITH YOU, MY PEACE I GIVE UNTO YOU: NOT AS THE WORLD GIVETH, GIVE I UNTO YOU.  LET NOT YOUR HEART BE TROUBLED, NEITHER LET IT BE AFRAID.”  Also in Philippians 4:7: “AND THE PEACE OF GOD, WHICH PASSETH UNDERSTANDING, SHALL KEEP YOUR HEARTS AND MINDS THROUGH CHRIST JESUS.”  Yes my beloved the peace of GOD is totally not understandable.  Being saved for 55 years plus I can say that the peace of GOD is just so wonderful and glorious.  In this world there is tribulation and unrest but when you are saved that special peace is within not without.   Are you saved? If not then be saved today and receive that special peace that only a saved person has!
  119. Who is the Comforter which only a saved person has? The answer is the HOLY GHOST.  John 14:16-17 states: “AND I WILL PRAY THE FATHER, AND HE SHALL GIVE YOU ANOTHER COMFORTER, THAT HE MAY ABIDE WITH YOU FOREVER; EVEN THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH; WHOM THE WORLD CANNOT RECEIVE, BECAUSE IT SEETH HIM NOT, NEITHER KNOWETH HIM: BUT YE KNOW HIM; FOR HE DWELLETH WITH YOU, AND SHALL BE IN YOU.”  How wonderful to have the Spirit of GOD within to comfort and to guide in this evil mixed up world we live in today!
  120. Do you have remission of sins? If not then you need to be saved! The HOLY BIBLE states in Acts 10:43: “TO HIM GIVE ALL THE PROPHETS WITNESS, THAT THROUGH HIS NAME WHOSOEVER BELIEVETH IN HIM SHALL RECEIVE REMISSION OF SINS.”  Only through CHRIST is there remission of sins! So believe the Gospel and be saved today and have remission of your sins!
  121. Do you have a concordance? If not then you should get one real soon for it is invaluable! A concordance has every word in the HOLY BIBLE indexed alphabetically with book, chapter, and verse.  I have the new Strong’s exhaustive concordance of the Bible for the King James.  This concordance is the best!  You can purchase it from
  122. Is faith without works dead? YES! It surely is! So if you say you are a Christian and don’t work for GOD then you have a counterfeit salvation.  Being saved a person will do something for JESUS to get others saved whatever that might be. Every Christian has a ministry on this earth.  The HOLY BIBLE states in Ephesians 2:10: “FOR WE ARE HIS WORKMANSHIP, CREATED IN CHRIST JESUS UNTO GOOD WORKS, WHICH GOD HATH BEFORE ORDAINED THAT WE SHOULD WALK IN THEM.”  So there you have it my beloved.  We as Christians are created unto good works!  If you are a Christian then you will do good works since faith without works is “dead”!!! Amen and hallelujah!
  123. Did you know that unbelief is a spiritual sin whereas sins of the flesh are physical sins? How true that really is! The sins of the flesh will not damn you to Hell no matter what sin it may be.  You could just name any sin and that sin will not damn you to Hell. Now the sin of unbelief is different since the sin of unbelief is a spiritual sin which means it is the only sin that damns the soul to an eternal Hell.  Blasphemy of the HOLY GHOST is a by product of the sin of unbelief and if one is so unfortunate to commit this sin then that person is doomed to Hell and will be there within 24 hours, since GOD signs their death warrant immediately when a person commits that sin.
  124. Many many people say why should they believe in a man who lived over 2000 years ago? The answer is found in the one and the only HOLY BIBLE! Colossians 2:9 states: “FOR IN HIM DWELLETH ALL THE FULNESS OF THE GODHEAD BODILY.”  The Him here is JESUS! Yes, all the fullness of the Godhead is found only in CHRIST JESUS; that is why we should believe on JESUS, who was GOD in flesh as Colossians states and there is only but “one” GOD my beloved! So believe and be saved today and receive eternal life!
  125. What is the second death? The second death is the lake of fire and is mentioned in Revelation 20:14-15; “AND DEATH AND HELL WAS CAST INTO THE LAKE OF FIRE. THIS IS THE SECOND DEATH.  AND WHOSOEVER WAS NOT FOUND WRITTEN IN THE BOOK OF LIFE WAS CAST INTO THE LAKE OF FIRE.”  The HOLY BIBLE does not mention what the second death is all about as we know about Hell and I’m sure it will be much much worse than Hell. Death means separation! Separation from GOD and from His glorious creation.   It also means spiritual death!
  126. What is the first thing that a new born Christian needs to realize? That new born Christian needs to realize that the whole world lies in wickedness.  1 John 5:19 states: “AND WE KNOW THAT WE ARE OF GOD, AND THE WHOLE WORLD LIETH IN WICKEDNESS.”  Yes my beloved this is the one thing to know and when you know it your blood pressure will go down because you will not be so frustrated with what is going on in the world since you will know why things happen in this evil world of ours!
  127. Is JESUS CHRIST the true GOD? YES! Indeed He is! 1 John 5:20 states: “AND WE KNOW THAT THE SON OF GOD IS COME, AND HATH GIVEN US AND UNDERSTANDING, THAT WE MAY KNOW HIM THAT IS TRUE, EVEN IN HIS SON JESUS CHRIST.  THIS IS THE TRUE GOD, AND ETERNAL LIFE.”  So there you have it my beloved! CHRIST JESUS is the one and the only true GOD! So believe and be a son of GOD today! Also in 1 John 5:1-12: “AND THIS IS THE RECORD, THAT GOD HATH GIVEN TO US ETERNAL LIFE, AND THIS LIFE IS IN HIS SON.  HE THAT HATH THE SON HATH LIFE; AND HE THAT HATH NOT THE SON OF GOD HATH NOT LIFE.”  Only in CHRIST do you have life-eternal life my beloved!
  128. Where will all the wicked be for eternity? The answer is found in Psalm 9:17: THE WICKED SHALL BE TURNED INTO HELL, AND ALL THE NATIONS THAT FORGET GOD.”  Yes, the wicked will be in Hell for a time then will be cast into the lake of fire forever.  The lake of fire is the second death for all unbelievers!
  129. What is the one thing that will defile you quicker than anything on this earth? A female! Yes indeed they will defile and they will pervert you and quick! The HOLY BIBLE states in Revelation 14:4: “THESE ARE THEY WHICH WERE NOT DEFILED WITH WOMEN; FOR THEY ARE VIRGINS.  THESE ARE THEY WHICH FOLLOW THE LAMB WHITHERSOEVER HE GOETH.  THESE WERE REDEEMED FROM AMONG MEN, BEING THE FIRSTFRUITS UNTO GOD AND TO THE LAMB.” So there you have it my beloved.  A female will defile and she will pervert you quicker than anything on this planet make no mistake about it! Now, these evil females are showing their true colors!  Their evil satanic piercings, their evil satanic tattoos, their evil satanic fornication blue jeans which these evil females in their “perverted poisoned devil filled mind” wear for only one perverted reason and everyone knows just what that reason is, these creepy females dressing like males, their evil satanic rock music that these creepy females listen to on a daily basis; worshipping their master who is the devil.  It is perverted, it is evil, it is ungodly the way these reprobate females dress in our society of today! Dressing to look like a male is the name of the game with these JESUS hater females! IT IS ENOUGH TO MAKE YOU WANT TO THROW UP! It goes on and on with these psycho-babble females in our society of today! Don’t be fooled any longer my beloved by these psychotic pervert females! The HOLY BIBLE states in Deuteronomy 22:5: “THE WOMAN SHALL NOT WEAR THAT WHICH PERTAINETH UNTO A MAN, NEITHER SHALL A MAN PUT ON A WOMAN’S GARMENT: FOR ALL THAT DO SO ARE ABOMINATION UNTO THE LORD THY GOD.”  This sums up what these wacko evil females of today are all about my beloved! What are the mothers teaching their daughters in this world of ours? It is quite obvious the answer to that question!
  130. Is the Gospel going to last forever? YES! Indeed the Gospel surely will.  Revelation 14:6: “AND I SAW ANOTHER ANGEL FLY IN THE MIDST OF HEAVEN, HAVING THE EVERLASTING GOSPEL TO PREACH UNTO THEM THAT DWELL ON THE EARTH, AND TO EVERY NATION, AND KINDRED, AND TONGUE, AND PEOPLE.”  Indeed the wonderful Gospel will be with us forever and how thankful I am for that!
  131. What should we as Christians think about and keep our minds on? The answer is in Philippians 4:8: “FINALLY, BRETHREN, WHATSOEVER THINGS ARE TRUE, WHATSOEVER THINGS ARE HONEST, WHATSOEVER THINGS ARE JUST, WHATSOEVER THINGS ARE PURE, WHATSOEVER THINGS ARE LOVELY, WHATSOEVER THINGS ARE OF GOOD REPORT; IF THERE BE ANY VIRTUE, AND IF THERE BE ANY PRAISE, THINK ON THESE THINGS.”  Yes, my beloved, we should thing on these very things! Also in 2 Corinthians 10:5: “CASTING DOWN IMAGINATIONS, AND EVERY HIGH THING THAT EXALTETH ITSELF AGAINST THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD, AND BRINGING INTO CAPTIVITY EVERY THOUGHT TO THE OBEDIENCE OF CHRIST.”  Yes my beloved, we should for sure cast down every evil thought and imagination that the devil hurls at us. Amen and hallelujah on that!
  132. Where did Santa Claus come from? Santa came from satan it is quite obvious! Santa is just satan with letters rearranged! It is no accident that this has happened.  To pervert Christmas is what these JESUS haters are all about and to keep children from the real meaning of Christmas to damn them to Hell with their evil Santa Claus! Christmas is all about CHRIST and His work of salvation for the whole world!
  133. Was JESUS white or black? JESUS was caucasian which means white! He was the same as all the other people in Israel!  He was not black in any form or fashion.  To attribute JESUS as black is just simply blasphemy! The black race started at the tower of babble as per the book of Jasher!
  134. Do you have the book of Jasher? If not then that is one book you should read.  It is chocked full of interesting facts of the past including facts about the tower of babble.  You can purchase this book at
  135.  Do you have the book of Enoch? If not then that book would be a great addition to your library.  The book has facts about the giants in yesteryear.  With these giants they made all of those colossal monuments like the great pyramid for example.  As you may know, the great pyramid was erected before the great flood.
  136. Did you know that when you are saved the precious HOLY GHOST guides you into “all” truth? Yes that is so true! The HOLY BIBLE states in John 16:13: “HOWBEIT WHEN HE, THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH, IS COME, HE WILL GUIDE YOU INTO ALL TRUTH: FOR HE SHALL NOT SPEAK OF HIMSELF; BUT WHATSOEVER HE SHALL HEAR, THAT SHALL HE SPEAK: AND HE WILL SHEW YOU THINGS TO COME.” Yes my beloved, the HOLY GHOST will guide you into “all” truth not some truth but “all” truth! How wonderful to know that God the Father guides us into all the precious truth! Not half-truths which are all the ungodly new translations and versions, but God the Father will guide you to whole truths which is the King James HOLY BIBLE only! Make no mistake about it my beloved!
  137. What is the highway to Hell paved with? It is paved with “good intentions”! Are you intending to be saved but are not as yet saved, then don’t put it off.  We don’t know what tomorrow may bring my beloved! Be saved now! Tomorrow may never come for you!
  138. Did you know that as Christians we are “free from sin”? Yes that is indeed so! The HOLY BIBLE states in Romans 6:18: “BEING THEN MADE FREE FROM SIN, YE BECOME THE SERVANTS OF RIGHTEOUSNESS.”  How wonderful to know that we are free from sin; not free to sin, but free from sin; which means that we are free from the bondage of sin.  Unlike the unsaved who are servants of sin, we are free from sin! The HOLY BIBLE states in John 8:36: “IF THE SON THEREFORE SHALL MAKE YOU FREE, YE SHALL BE FREE INDEED.” Amen and hallelujah!
  139. Are you a bastard? If you say you are a Christian and can live in sin without being chastened by GOD then you are a bastard.  The HOLY BIBLE states in Hebrews 12:8: “BUT IF YE BE WITHOUT CHASTISEMENT, WHEREOF ALL ARE PARTAKERS , THEN ARE YE BASTARDS, AND NOT SONS.”  How true that really is! So many say they are a Christian but live in sin on a daily basis and get by with it.  That person who says that is not a believer but is a make believer! Being a Christian we are free from sin and being a Christian we don’t want to go out and just sin, sin, sin since we have a new Spirit and a new heart!
  140. What does it mean to be “worldly”? It means to be as the world is.  It means to walk in the lust of the flesh.  It means to walk in the lust of the eyes.  It means to walk with and in the pride of life.  These are the three areas of life in which is displayed that worldly way of life! The HOLY BIBLE states in 1 John 2:15-16: “LOVE NOT THE WORLD, NEITHER THE THINGS THAT ARE IN THE WORLD.  IF ANY MAN LOVE THE WORLD, THE LOVE OF THE FATHER IS NOT IN HIM.  FOR ALL THAT IS IN THE WORLD, THE LUST OF THE FLESH, AND THE LUST OF THE EYES, AND THE PRIDE OF LIFE, IS NOT OF THE FATHER, BUT IS OF THE WORLD.”  Yes my beloved, these are the three things that are of the world.  As Christians we are not to be worldly as so many churches are today.  Churches are getting more worldly by the day and getting liberal.  All of these evil and I mean evil new translations and versions are of the world and are doctrines of devils make no mistake about it my beloved.  These worldly churches are soul damning churches so stay clear of them.
  141. Have you experienced “amazing grace”? If not why not? Be saved today and experience the wonder of God’s forgiveness! That beautiful ole hymn “Amazing Grace” is so beautiful.  Once I was lost and now am found, was blind but now I see.  That is but one piece of the musical amazing grace wonder hymn! How true it all is.  When you get saved you realize that you were blind and now you can see! How wonderful! When you are saved you are taken out of the kingdom of darkness and placed into the kingdom of light!
  142. Did you know that when you have peace with GOD and the peace of GOD then your blood pressure will go down? Yes indeed that is so true! I have experienced this for many many years now being saved for 55 years plus!
  143. Is your father a father who has all power? I’m so thankful that my Father has “all” power! My Father who is GOD the Father has all power.  Amen and hallelujah!!!
  144. Have you joined a church with all the denominations or have you joined “the” church which is the Body of Christ”? You can only join “the” church when you are saved! Are you saved today? Go to my glorious website and be saved today!
  145. Why is it needful for a Christian to study and memorize the HOLY BIBLE? The answer is found in Ephesians 4:14: “THAT WE HENCEFORTH BE NO MORE CHILDREN, TOSSED TO AND FRO, AND CARRIED ABOUT WITH EVERY WIND OF DOCTRINE, BY THE SLEIGHT OF MEN, AND CUNNING CRAFTINESS, WHERBY THEY LIE IN WAIT TO DECEIVE.”  We as Christians need to study the Word of God carefully so we will not be deceived by all of these evil false prophets that are just everywhere in the USA!  Also the HOLY BIBLE states in 1 Peter 2:2: “AS NEWBORN BABES, DESIRE THE SINCERE MILK OF THE WORD, THAT YE MAY GROW THEREBY.”  When you are saved you need to desire the sincere milk of the WORD.
  146. As a newborn Christian what do you need to do? You need to study the WORD and memorize it! The HOLY BIBLE states in 1 Peter 2:2: “AS NEWBORN BABES, DESIRE THE SINCERE MILK OF THE  WORD, THAT YE MAY GROW THEREBY.”  Yes my beloved a newborn child of God needs to study and memorize the HOLY BIBLE (King James) which is the “only” Word of God! As a Christian you must grow and be mature spiritually and you grow and mature by studying the Word of God! I have been a Christian for 55 years plus and I can say that the more you study the Word of God the more there is to study and the more you want to study.  It just expands and expands!
  147. How is a new born believer supposed to be baptized? The answer is Matthew 28:19-20: “GO YE THEREFORE, AND TEACH ALL NATIONS, BAPTIZING THEM IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER, AND OF THE SON, AND OF THE HOLY GHOST: TEACHING THEM TO OBSERVE ALL THINGS WHATSOEVER I HAVE COMMANDED YOU: AND, LO, I AM WITH YOU ALWAY, EVEN UNTO THE END OF THE WORLD.”  So there you have it my beloved.  This is the way for a new believer to be baptized!
  148. Are you a believer or an unbeliever? If you are an unbeliever then this is you condition! The HOLY BIBLE states in Mark 16:16: “HE THAT BELIEVETH AND IS BAPTIZED SHALL BE SAVED; BUT HE THAT BELIEVETH NOT SHALL BE DAMNED.”  So there it is my beloved! If you are an unbeliever then you are calling GOD a liar and that is a serious state to be in.  The HOLY BIBLE states in 1 John 5:10: “HE THAT BELIEVETH ON THE SON OF GOD HATH THE WITNESS IN HIMSELF: HE THAT BELIEVETH NOT GOD HATH MADE HIM A LIAR; BECAUSE HE BELIEVETH NOT THE RECORD THAT GOD GAVE OF HIS SON.”  For all unbelievers I trust that you will be saved and not be damned!
  149. Do you have life? If you do not have the Son of God you do not have life! How very true that really is! The life that the HOLY BIBLE speaks of here is eternal life! You obviously have life now so it is so quite obvious that this speaks of eternal life! The HOLY BIBLE declares in 1 John 5:12: “HE THAT HATH THE SON HATH LIFE; AND HE THAT HATH NOT THE SON OF GOD HATH NOT LIFE.”  Yes my beloved eternal life is only in CHRIST and He alone precious soul!
  150. What pray tell is wrong with America these days? America has gone wacko from coast to coast. All America needs is the Gospel-the true Gospel! JESUS! America needs the real JESUS not the sissy Catholic jesus and not the new translations and new versions jesus but the real JESUS! Once you have a new heart and a new Spirit which only JESUS can give, then America will be on the road to recovery!!! A person gets that new heart and that wonderful new Spirit which is the HOLY SPIRIT when that person is saved! So be saved today and receive that precious gift!
  151. Are you trusting in your baptism to get you to Heaven? If so then you are on sinking sand since baptism has nothing to do with salvation.  Remember the thief on the cross did not get baptized and JESUS said he would be with Him in paradise that day! Luke 24:39-43 has it.  The evil Catholic church teaches that a person receives salvation through water baptism.  They are evil and they are wrong as usual.  Nowhere in the HOLY BIBLE does it say that a person receives salvation through water baptism! The Catholics always quote John 3:5 to support their evil scheme! The water here in John 3:5 is the water of the WORD! We are born again by the WORD (1 Peter 1:23) and not born of water baptism since water baptism if for after a person is saved, not before! Always remember my beloved that the evil Catholic church is the largest satanic cult in the entire world and the largest child molester cult in the entire world as well! The HOLY BIBLE states in 1 John 5:8: “AND THERE ARE THREE THAT BEAR WITNESS IN EARTH, THE SPIRIT, AND THE WATER, AND THE BLOOD: AND THESE THREE AGREE IN ONE.”  The Water here is the WORD which is in the Trinity of God. The Trinity is FATHER, SON, HOLY GHOST! The WORD is JESUS and the Water is JESUS since the Water is the WORD!
  152. Are you trusting in your tradition to get you to Heaven? If so then you are on sinking sand since tradition has nothing to do with salvation.
  154.  If you are a Catholic did you know that JESUS calls you a thief and a robber? Yes how true that really is! The HOLY BIBLE states in John 10:1: “VERILY, VERILY, I SAY UNTO YOU, HE THAT ENTERETH NOT BY THE DOOR INTO THE SHEEPFOLD, BUT CLIMBETH UP SOME OTHER WAY, THE SAME IS A THIEF AND A ROBBER.”  So there you have it my beloved! Catholics teach in their Catholic tradition that a person receives salvation through water baptism which is total lies from Hell and that means that they are climbing up some other way! In fact water baptism has nothing to do with salvation in any form or fashion! So the evil Catholic church is brainwashing all those who attend that cult! For over 2000 years the evil Catholic church has promoted in their tradition that the pouring of the baptismal water takes away “original sin” which is TOTAL BLASPHEMY! Water does not take away original sin or any sin for that matter! Only the precious BLOOD OF JESUS takes away sin and not water my beloved! So be sure to get that straight right now! So the evil Catholic church is trying to enter by climbing up some other way and are not entering through the one DOOR who is JESUS! Make no mistake my beloved! Catholic tradition is evil Catholic perversion! Don’t be deceived any longer by this evil satanic cult that has been around since JESUS was on earth! The evil Catholic church has damned billions of souls to Hell by their evil Catholic tradition since Catholic tradition is not Biblical! The HOLY BIBLE is the final and only authority on the matter since the HOLY BIBLE is the WORD OF GOD! As I have said before tradition will not get you to Heaven especially evil Catholic tradition! Only the JESUS way will get you to Heaven! The JESUS way is not by the way of water baptism but by the way of the cross! Also in 1 Timothy 4:1-3 the HOLY BIBLE states: “NOW THE SPIRIT SPEAKETH EXPRESSLY, THAT IN THE LATTER TIMES SOME SHALL DEPART FROM THE FAITH, GIVING HEED TO SEDUCING SPIRITS, AND DOCTRINES OF DEVILS; SPEAKING LIES IN HYPOCRISY; HAVING THEIR CONSCIENCE SEARED WITH A HOT IRON; FORBIDDING TO MARRY, AND COMMANDING TO ABSTAIN FROM MEATS, WHICH GOD HATH CREATED TO BE RECEIVED WITH THANKSGIVING OF THEM WHICH BELIEVE AND KNOW THE TRUTH.”  Yes my beloved this is what the evil Catholic church is all about!
  155. Are you the “ruler” in your home? If not then you are not doing what the HOLY BIBLE states! The husband is supposed to be the ruler in the home “over” the wife, which means what he says goes and what he says is the last word! The HOLY BIBLE states in Genesis 3:16: “UNTO THE WOMAN HE SAID, I WILL GREATLY MULTIPLY THY SORROW AND THY CONCEPTION; IN SORROW THOU SHALT BRING FORTH CHILDREN; AND THY DESIRE SHALL BE TO THY HUSBAND, AND HE SHALL RULE OVER THEE.”  So there you have it my beloved. If you are the husband then you are the ruler and as such you need to rule over the wife and that means rule not submission! Submission is not in the Biblical marriage handbook you might say! Do you rule or does your wife rule the home? If your wife does then you need to set her straight right this moment and put her in her place immediately, especially for the children’s sake!
  156. Do you have the garden of Eden mentality? You do if you are a female.  All females have that evil perverted garden of Eden mentality which is to pervert the WORD OF GOD and that is exactly what Eve did in the garden of Eden.  In fact she perverted everything from A to Z what GOD said and then blamed it on the serpent and that was in a sinless environment too! How much more are these silly goofy females perverting the WORD OF GOD and the world now in a sinful environment.  Never taking responsibility for anything! That is the perverted evil female way my beloved!
  157. Did you know that when you are a Christian GOD the Father (your Father) takes care of you? The HOLY BIBLE states in Philippians 4:19: “BUT MY GOD SHALL SUPPLY ALL YOUR NEED ACCORDING TO HIS RICHES IN GLORY BY CHRIST JESUS.”  So there you have it my beloved.  Since I have been a Christian for 55 years plus GOD the Father has supplied all my needs and how glorious that really is!
  158. How is a person “born again”? The answer is found only in the one and only HOLY BIBLE! We are born again by the WORD OF GOD! The HOLY BIBLE states in John 5:24: “VERILY, VERILY, I SAY UNTO YOU, HE THAT HEARETH MY WORD, AND BELIEVETH ON HIM THAT SENT ME, HATH EVERLASTING LIFE, AND SHALL NOT COME INTO CONDEMNATION; BUT IS PASSED FROM DEATH UNTO LIFE.”  Also in John 3:5: “JESUS ANSWERED, VERILY, VERILY, I SAY UNTO THEE, EXCEPT A MAN BE BORN OF WATER AND OF THE SPIRIT, HE CANNOT ENTER INTO THE KINGDOM OF GOD.”  In James 1:18 the HOLY BIBLE states: “OF HIS OWN WILL BEGAT HE US WITH THE WORD OF TRUTH, THAT WE SHOULD BE A KIND OF FIRSTFRUITS OF HIS CREATURES.”  Finally in 1 Peter 1:23: “BEING BORN AGAIN, NOT OF CORRUPTIBLE SEED, BUT OF INCORRUPTIBLE, BY THE WORD OF GOD, WHICH LIVETH AND ABIDETH FOREVER.”  So there you have it my beloved! We are all born again by the incorruptible Seed which is the WORD OF GOD! The WORD OF GOD is only the King James HOLY BIBLE and no other! All new translations and versions are “doctrines of devils”! Make no mistake about it my beloved! Did you know that the evil ungodly RSV was published a year after the first evil rock song was recorded? How true that really is!
  159. Who is the Bread of Life? JESUS! JESUS is the Bread of Life as John 6:48 states! There is no life in any other precious soul.  Only JESUS has life and only JESUS is the Bread of Life! So be saved today for we know not what will happen tomorrow!
  160. What is GOD the Father’s will concerning you? His will is found in John 6:40: “AND THIS IS THE WILL OF HIM THAT SENT ME, THAT EVERY ONE WHICH SEETH THE SON, AND BELIEVETH ON HIM, MAY HAVE EVERLASTING LIFE: AND I WILL RAISE HIM UP AT THE LAST DAY.”  Yes, GOD the Father’s will is for you to believe on JESUS His only begotten SON today, since today is the day of salvation!
  161. Was the tree of knowledge of good and evil located in the midst of the garden of Eden? NO! Indeed not! The tree of knowledge of good and evil was not located in the midst of the garden of Eden as Genesis 2:9 states: “AND OUT OF THE GROUND MADE THE LORD GOD TO GROW EVERY TREE THAT IS PLEASANT TO THE SIGHT, AND GOOD FOR FOOD; THE TREE OF LIFE ALSO IN THE MIDST OF THE GARDEN, AND THE TREE OF KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL.”  So there you have it my beloved. Only the tree of life was in the midst of the garden of Eden and not the tree of knowledge of good and evil.  Also in Genesis 2:16-17: “AND THE LORD GOD COMMANDED THE MAN, SAYING, OF EVERY TREE OF THE GARDEN THOU MAYEST FREELY EAT: BUT OF THE TREE OF THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL, THOU SHALT NOT EAT OF IT: FOR IN THE DAY THAT THOU EATEST THEREOF THOU SHALT SURELY DIE.”  Notice very closely that the HOLY BIBLE does not mention the tree being in the midst of the garden at all! The HOLY BIBLE is very clear about the matter! To prove Genesis 2:9 there is a comma after garden which means only the tree of life was in the midst of the garden of Eden.  If both trees were in the midst of the garden then the HOLY BIBLE would leave out that comma to signify both trees in the midst of the garden.  But the HOLY GHOST put a comma there to signify an additional tree in another location which is so clear to see for us! There are so many ignorant and unlearned pastors and teachers and preachers that don’t know exactly what the HOLY BIBLE states on the matter.  They need to get alone with GOD, study the Scriptures and let the HOLY GHOST teach them the truth concerning the matter since so many are wrong on the issue! It is so clear to me being saved for 55 years plus.
  162. Did you know that to talk to yourself is normal and healthy? Even GOD the Father talks to Himself as Genesis 1:26 states: “AND GOD SAID, LET US MAKE MAN IN OUR IMAGE, AFTER OUR LIKENESS: AND LET THEM HAVE DOMINION OVER THE FISH OF THE SEA, AND OVER THE FOWL OF THE AIR, AND OVER THE CATTLE, AND OVER ALL THE EARTH, AND OVER EVERY CREEPING THING THAT CREEPETH UPON THE EARTH.”  Yes, my beloved, even GOD the Father talks to Himself which is wonderful.  We are a trinity as GOD is a Trinity so therefore we can talk to ourself as GOD the Father does!  If you don’t talk to yourself then something is wrong bigtime!
  163. How old was Adam when the flood came upon the earth? Adam was 600 years old as Genesis 7:6 states.
  164. Did you know that by a person’s fruit you shall know them? YES! How true that really is! So if someone says that they are a Christian but listen to evil ungodly rock music then you will know full well that that person is a liar, since all rock music is devil worship and JESUS says all liars will have their part in the lake of fire! We are citizens of Heaven now and no citizen of Heaven listens to perverted ungodly rock music in any form be it secular or religious! The citizens who are on the road to Hell do listen to this ungodly evil rock music since they have not the SPIRIT which is the HOLY SPIRIT! The evil child molester cult which is the Catholic church promotes evil rock music all the time so that speaks volumes against them my beloved!
  165. Do you feel that you have the weight of the whole world on your shoulders? What that is is the weight of sin! When a person gets saved then that weight is lifted off of their shoulders and it sure is a wonderful thing to have that weight lifted!
  166. Have you said that you don’t know if you are saved or not? If you say that then obviously you are not saved! Our salvation is a know-so salvation as per 1 John 5:13: “THESE THINGS HAVE I WRITTEN UNTO YOU THAT BELIEVE ON THE NAME OF THE SON OF GOD; THEY YE MAY KNOW THAT YE HAVE ETERNAL LIFE, AND THAT YE MAY BELIEVE ON THE NAME OF THE SON OF GOD.”  There you have it my beloved! When you are saved you “know” it.  Not think so, hope so, or maybe so, but know so!
  167. Are you condemned? If you are not “IN CHRIST JESUS” then you are condemned! The HOLY BIBLE states in Romans 8:1: “THERE IS THEREFORE NOW NO CONDEMNATION TO THEM WHICH ARE IN CHRIST JESUS, WHO WALK NOT AFTER THE FLESH, BUT AFTER THE SPIRIT.”  So there you have it may beloved.  If you are not saved and therefore not in CHRIST JESUS then you are under condemnation! So be saved today and be “IN CHRIST JESUS”!!!
  168. What do you get when you mix religion and rock music? You get 5 deadly D’s! Double deadly dose of destruction and delusion!
  169. When you are called to preach what one thing do you need to do? That one thing you need to do is to study! The HOLY BIBLE states in 2 Timothy 2:15: “STUDY TO SHEW THYSELF APPROVED UNTO GOD, A WORKMAN THAT NEEDETH NOT TO BE ASHAMED, RIGHTLY DIVIDING THE WORD OF TRUTH.” There you have it my beloved.  A man is to study to show thyself approved unto GOD, not approved unto the seminary or church or denominational bosses, but only to GOD! I would say that 75% plus of the preachers of today have not studied to show themselves approved unto GOD since 75% plus of them uses evil ungodly new translations and versions which are doctrines of devils.  They all are ravening wolves in sheep’s clothing!  They want to be approved unto their denominational bosses instead of approved unto GOD as evidenced by their evil new versions and translations that they use in the pulpit.  To be approved unto GOD a preacher must us the WORD OF GOD which is only and I say only the King James.  A preacher needs to get alone with GOD, search and study the Scriptures and let the precious HOLY SPIRIT guide him into all truth, which only the King James can provide!
  170. Is there an unpardonable sin? YES indeed there surely is! The HOLY BIBLE states in Matthew 12:31-32: “WHEREFORE I SAY UNTO YOU, ALL MANNER OF SIN AND BLASPHEMY SHALL BE FORGIVEN UNTO MEN: BUT THE BLASPHEMY AGAINST THE HOLY GHOST SHALL NOT BE FORGIVEN UNTO MEN.  AND WHOSOEVER SPEAKETH A WORD AGAINST THE SON OF MAN, IT SHALL BE FORGIVEN HIM: BUT WHOSOEVER SPEAKETH AGAINST THE HOLY GHOST, IT SHALL NOT BE FORGIVEN HIM, NEITHER IN THIS WORLD, NEITHER IN THE WORLD TO COME.”  So we see my beloved that there is an unpardonable sin that only unsaved people can commit and when they commit this sin they will be in Hell within 24 hours! Don’t commit this sin but be saved today if you are not a child of GOD!
  171. If you are not saved and should die today what will be your lot? The HOLY BIBLE states in Matthew 25:41: “THEN SHALL HE SAY ALSO UNTO THEM ON THE LEFT HAND, DEPART FROM ME, YE CURSED, INTO EVERLASTING FIRE, PREPARED FOR THE DEVIL AND HIS ANGELS.”  Also in Matthew 25:46: “AND THESE SHALL GO AWAY INTO EVERLASTING PUNISHMENT: BUT THE RIGHTEOUS INTO LIFE ETERNAL.”  Yes, my beloved that will be your lot if you die in your sins and are lost! Be saved today by going to the homepage and scrolling down to the salvation prayer if GOD is speaking to you concerning your salvation.
  172. How do I lay up treasures in Heaven? By doing good works! You can only do good works after a person is saved not before, since we cannot work our way to Heaven as the evil Catholic church promotes! Working for GOD and that means leading others to a saving knowledge of JESUS CHRIST! JESUS came to this world for one thing and that one thing is to seek and to save that which was lost! The HOLY BIBLE states in Luke 19:10: “FOR THE SON OF MAN IS COME TO SEEK AND TO SAVE THAT WHICH WAS LOST.”  So to lay up treasure in Heaven one must show the lost how to be saved! In Daniel 12:3 the HOLY BIBLE states: “AND THEY THAT BE WISE SHALL SHINE AS THE BRIGHTNESS OF THE FIRMAMENT; AND THEY THAT TURN MANY TO RIGHTEOUSNESS AS THE STARS FOR EVER AND EVER.”  How wonderful!
  173. What does the whole earth need to hear? The answer is found in Jeremiah 22:29: “O EARTH, EARTH, EARTH, HEAR THE WORD OF THE LORD.”  Yes my beloved the whole earth from north, south, east, and west needs to hear the WORD OF GOD!
  174. If you want to be great what should you do? The answer is found in Matthew 23:11: “BUT HE THAT IS GREATEST AMONG YOU SHALL BE YOUR SERVANT.”  So there you have it my beloved.  To be great is to be a servant!
  175. What three things should a person never be called? One is rabbi.  Two is father. Three is master.  In Matthew 23:8-10 the HOLY BIBLE states: “BUT BE NOT YE CALLED RABBI: FOR ONE IS YOUR MASTER, EVEN CHRIST; AND ALL YE ARE BRETHREN.  AND CALL NO MAN YOUR FATHER UPON THE EARTH: FOR ONE IS YOUR FATHER, WHICH IS IN HEAVEN.  NEITHER BE YE CALLED MASTERS: FOR ONE IS YOU MASTER, EVEN CHRIST.”  These verses go against the evil satanic Catholic church where they call them father. When an evil Catholic goes to confessional he or she says “forgive me father for I have sinned”.    It also goes against evil Judaism which call them rabbi.  Also it goes against other religions which call them master. So now you have the truth concerning the matter.
  176. What one verse sums up the total truth about the evil Catholic church? The answer is found in Matthew 23:13: “BUT WOE UNTO YOU, SCRIES AND PHARISEES, HYPOCRITES! FOR YE SHUT UP THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN AGAINST MEN: FOR YE NEITHER GO IN YOURSELVES, NEITHER SUFFER YE THEM THAT ARE ENTERING TO GO IN.”  Yes my beloved that sums up the evil child molester cult called the Catholic church! The evil sodomite Catholic church never tells the people how to be saved.  How sad for them but they just keep on going to that satanic cult knowing what the sodomites have done to their children!
  177. Do new versions and translations save the soul? NO! Indeed not! Why? Because all new translations and versions are doctrines of devils! Only the WORD saves the soul! The WORD is JESUS and JESUS is the WORD, and the WORD is the King James Holy Bible! Make no mistake my beloved!!!
  178. Who is the WORD OF GOD? The answer is found in Revelation 19:13: “AND HE WAS CLOTHED WITH A VESTURE DIPPED IN BLOOD: AND HIS NAME IS THE WORD OF GOD.”  There you have it my beloved.  JESUS is the WORD OF GOD!!!
  179. Who is King of Kings and Lord of Lords? The answer is also found in Revelation 19:16: “AND HE HATH ON HIS VESTURE AND ON HIS THIGH A NAME WRITTEN, KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS.”  Yes my beloved JESUS is the King of Kings and He is the Lord of Lords!
  180. Did you know that a half-truth is far worse and far more evil than a lie? Yes indeed that is so true!
  181. What is the one and the only thing on this planet that is more bitter than death according to the HOLY BIBLE? A female.  Of course it is a female!   Ecclesiastes 7:26 states: “AND I FIND MORE BITTER THAN DEATH THE WOMAN, WHOSE HEART IS SNARES AND NETS, AND HER HANDS ARE AS BANDS: WHOSO PLEASETH GOD SHALL ESCAPE FROM HER; BUT THE SINNER SHALL BE TAKEN BY HER.”  This is really and truly what a female is all about my beloved! You cannot get any worse that to be more bitter than death.    DON’T LEARN THE HARD WAY ABOUT WHAT A FEMALE IS ALL ABOUT!!! The GOD of Heaven wants all to know just what a female really and truly is!
  182. Can I get to Heaven without being baptized? YES indeed you can! The thief on the cross says it all my beloved! In Luke 23:43 JESUS told the thief on the cross this: “AND JESUS SAID UNTO HIM, VERILY I SAY UNTO THEE, TODAY SHALT THOU BE WITH ME IN PARADISE.”  So there you have it my beloved.  The thief did not get baptized and JESUS said that he would be with JESUS in paradise that day.  So, yes you can get to Heaven without being baptized.  Don’t let any perverted reprobate tell you otherwise my beloved especially a perverted female reprobate since they are the worse kind of reprobates! The HOLY BIBLE is very clear on the subject! Don’t let the ungodly perverted Catholic church pervert you and damn you to Hell with their evil sacrament of baptism!
  183. What is the Great Commission? The answer is found in Mark 16:15-16: “AND HE SAID UNTO THEM, GO YE INTO ALL THE WORLD AND PREACH THE GOSPEL TO EVERY CREATURE.  HE THAT BELIEVETH AND IS BAPTIZED SHALL BE SAVED; BUT HE THAT BELIEVETH NOT SHALL BE DAMNED.”  If you believe not then you are calling GOD a liar as per 1 John 5:10 which states: “HE THAT BELIEVETH ON THE SON OF GOD HATH THE WITNESS IN HIMSELF: HE THAT BELIEVETH NOT GOD HATH MADE HIM A LIAR; BECAUSE HE BELIEVETH NOT THE RECORD THAT GOD GAVE OF HIS SON.”  I am so thankful that my wonderful ministry website is going to all parts of the world with the one and only Gospel of the grace of GOD!
  184. Is global warming real or is it a lie from the hypocrites of the devil? Global warming AKA climate change is a lie from Hell being broadcasted by the loonies and the politically correct hypocrites and  psychos of this country! Make no mistake about it my beloved these clowns are working for their master the devil, every one of the creeps! The weather is controlled by GOD the Father and wherever you have bad weather it is the judgement of GOD for the wickedness of the people that dwell therein! Anywhere you have a concentration of evil you have weather problems! It is not climate change whatsoever.  GOD is trying to wake these people up but they are not listening! And now the far left loonies are trying to brainwash the people by saying it is climate change when in all actuality it is the judgement of almighty GOD against all of these JESUS haters and truth haters that are in the world today.  The evil religions of this world tells you that this world hates GOD the Father and JESUS His Son and the precious HOLY GHOST! If a country does that then watch out for the weather my beloved! The proof of what I am saying is found in Psalm 107:33-34: “HE TURNETH RIVERS INTO WILDERNESS, AND THE WATERSPRINGS INTO DRY GROUND; A FRUITFUL LAND INTO BARRENNESS, FOR THE WICKEDNESS OF THEM THAT DWELL THEREIN.”  There you have it my beloved! The truth concerning the matter of climate change!  It would do well for the countries of this world to heed the warning of GOD in His WORD and His WORD is only the King James!
  185. Did you know that a Christian is baptized by the HOLY GHOST at the time of conversion? YES how true that is! We are baptized by the precious HOLY GHOST at conversion and then we are baptized by water after we are baptized at conversion.  We are baptized by water not to be saved but because we are saved my beloved!
  186. Have you heard this wacko generation say “to each his own”? I keep on hearing this so much nowadays from this JESUS hating generation, especially from the reprobate females.  They cannot take the truth about all of their evil satanic piercings especially the nose piercing that these perverted reprobate females wear promoting their devil worship and adoration of evil and their hatred of  almighty GOD! They also cannot take the truth concerning their evil perverted satanic tattoos that these reprobate females wear.  It is all satanic and evil and is total rebellion of almighty GOD! Don’t be fooled by these evil female perverted reprobates any longer my beloved! Their hatred toward almighty GOD is so clear and evident that they think it is the norm today, but it is not the norm! It is hellish and obviously evil and straight from the pit of Hell!
  187. I just had FEDEX deliver a package.  What did I see? I saw a male in his 20s with evil black fingernail polish and evil satanic tattoos all over his body.  What a waste of life! He said he was married and had kids.  How sad for the children! This is what you see in today’s wacko society and they think it is normal.  It is not normal but as I have said before, it is satanic and rebellion of almighty GOD and is pure EVIL!
  188. What is friendship with the world? Friendship with the world is being friends with the workers of iniquity since the whole world lieth in wickedness.  1 John 5:19 states: “AND WE KNOW THAT WE ARE OF GOD, AND THE WHOLE WORLD LIETH IN WICKEDNESS.”  Yes my beloved that is so true.  In 1 John 2:16 the HOLY BIBLE states: “FOR ALL THAT IS IN THE WORLD, THE LUST OF THE FLESH, AND THE LUST OF THE EYES, AND THE PRIDE OF LIFE, IS NOT OF THE FATHER, BUT IS OF THE WORLD.”  Also in 1 John 2:15: “LOVE NOT THE WORLD, NEITHER THE THINGS THAT ARE IN THE WORLD.  IF ANY MAN LOVE THE WORLD, THE LOVE OF THE FATHER IS NOT IN HIM.”  Rock music is of the world and is totally evil and anti-Christ.  If you say you are a Christian and listen to evil satanic rock music in any form then obviously you are a liar of the devil!!!  Dressing like the world of unbelievers is worldly and evil i.e. tight blue jeans which is dressing like a prostitute, tattoos, piercings.  Participating in the things of the world is anti-Christ and evil since the whole world lieth in wickedness! Going to an evil rock concert or country music concert or any worldly concert is totally evil and worldly! 2 Corinthians 6:14-15 states: “BE YE NOT UNEQUALLY YOKED TOGETHER WITH UNBELIEVERS: FOR WHAT FELLOWSHIP HATH RIGHTEOUSNESS WITH UNRIGHTEOUSNESS AND WHAT COMMUNION HATH LIGHT WITH DARKNESS AND WHAT CONCORD HATH CHRIST WITH BELIAL OR WHAT PART HATH HE THAT BELIEVETH WITH AND INFIDEL?” There you have it my beloved. The world is the world of evil and darkness and wickedness and the unbelievers of the world and their worldly satanic evil music and lifestyle! The world of Catholicism is evil and worldly since they are unbelievers and in darkness and have not the SPIRIT! Christians do not go to an evil Catholic church you mark that down right this moment my beloved!
  189. If you are not saved did you know that you are a slave of sin? Yes how true that really is!  The HOLY BIBLE states in Romans 7:14: “FOR WE KNOW THE THE LAW IS SPIRITUAL: BUT I AM CARNAL, SOLD UNDER SIN.”  Also in Psalm 51:5: “BEHOLD, I WAS SHAPEN IN INIQUITY, AND IN SIN DID MY MOTHER CONCEIVE ME.”  Also in John 8:34: “JESUS ANSWERED THEM, VERILY, VERILY, I SAY UNTO YOU, WHOSOEVER COMMITTETH SIN IS THE SERVANT OF SIN.”  Yes, a sinner is the servant of sin! A sinner is any person who is not born again or saved! We are all born in sin so therefore we have the sin nature which is the nature to sin.  A Christian has two natures, one is the sin nature and one is the divine nature! An unbeliever has only one nature which is the sin nature and since an unbeliever has that sin nature the unbeliever will sin since it is in their nature to do so.  They have to sin.   When you are saved then you are free from sin as per Romans 6:18: “BEING THEN MADE FREE FROM SIN, YE BECAME THE SERVANTS OF RIGHTEOUSNESS.”  How wonderful to know that we as Christians are free from sin.  Sin has no more dominion over us as it does for the unbeliever.  If you are not yet saved then go to the homepage and scroll down and be saved today.  Get on the wonderful road to Heaven.
  190. What is going on with all of this transgenderism? I can answer that real quick.  It is all satanic from the pit of Hell and the perverted evil females are at the forefront of all of this evil transgender perversion.  So many are telling their children to do it.  That is a typical pervert female mother for you my beloved! Perverting and subverting this country is exactly what these evil pervert females are doing and is exactly what their mission is! Transgenderism is perverted, evil, satanic, ungodly, and creepy and only a psycho from Hell would even think about doing such evil.  That tells you what these pervert females are all about my beloved. Don’t be fooled any longer.
  191. Who is the only person who takes away our sin and baptizes with the HOLY GHOST? The answer is JESUS!  John 1:29 states: “THE NEXT DAY JOHN SEETH JESUS COMING UNTO HIM, AND SAITH, BEHOLD THE LAMB OF GOD, WHICH TAKETH AWAY THE SIN OF THE WORLD.” Also in John 1:33-34: AND I KNEW HIM NOT: BUT HE THAT SENT ME TO BAPTIZE WITH WATER, THE SAME SAID UNTO ME, UPON WHOM THOU SHALT SEE THE SPIRIT DESCENDING, AND REMAINING ON HIM, THE SAME IS HE WHICH BAPTIZETH WITH THE HOLY GHOST.  AND I SAW, AND BARE RECORD THAT THIS IS THE SON OF GOD.”  Yes JESUS is the only person who takes away our “sin” (the sin of unbelief) and who indeed baptizes us with the HOLY GHOST!
  192. Who is the only LAMB OF GOD? The answer is only JESUS as per John 1:29 and John 1:36!
  193. So many mental problems.  What is going on? What is going on is that the battleground in this life is in the mind and if your mind is not protected by the “helmet of salvation” then you are prey for the devil and his evil wiles! If you are not yet saved then your mind is not protected from the devil and his evil wiles and his evil spirits! You must put on the armor of GOD if you are saved.  The HOLY BIBLE states in Ephesians 6:11-18: “PUT ON THE WHOLE ARMOUR OF GOD, THAT YE MAY BE ABLE TO STAND AGAINST THE WILES OF THE DEVIL.  FOR WE WRESTLE NOT AGAINST FLESH AND BLOOD, BUT AGAINST PRINCIPALITIES, AGAINST POWERS, AGAINST THE RULERS OF THE DARKNESS OF THIS WORLD, AGAINST SPIRITUAL WICKEDNESS IN HIGH PLACES.  WHEREFORE TAKE UNTO YOU THE WHOLE ARMOUR OF GOD, THAT YE MAY BE ABLE TO WITHSTAND IN THE EVIL DAY, AND HAVING DONE ALL, TO STAND.  STAND THEREFORE, HAVING YOUR LOINS GIRT ABOUT WITH TRUTH, AND HAVING ON THE BREASTPLATE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS; AND YOUR FEET SHOD WITH THE PREPARATION OF THE GOSPEL OF PEACE; ABOVE ALL, TAKING THE SHIELD OF FAITH, WHEREWITH YE SHALL BE ABLE TO QUENCH ALL THE FIERY DARTS OF THE WICKED.  AND TAKE THE HELMET OF SALVATION, AND THE SWORD OF THE SPIRIT, WHICH IS THE WORD OF GOD: PRAYING ALWAYS WITH ALL PRAYER AND SUPPLICATION IN THE SPIRIT, AND WATCHING THEREUNTO WITH ALL PERSEVERANCE AND SUPPLICATION FOR ALL SAINTS.”  So there you have it my beloved! Yes the battleground is in the mind and if you listen to evil rock music in any form you are inviting the devils of Hell into your mind and there they will stay until you burn all evil rock music and renounce it since all rock music is of the devil, totally and completely no matter what form it is in, be it religious or secular! And by the way, if you have evil rock music in your home and you have little ones, then they are prey for the devils of Hell and you will see those devils manifested in that child’s bedroom through a doll or some other evil thing.  You will see ghosts which are demonic and you will see other evil appearances as well.  So be sure to get rid of all rock music in your home TODAY and always remember that evil rock music is “audio pornography”! And while you are at it get rid of all country music as well my beloved!
  194. How do I keep my home free of evil spirits? By checking everything that comes in to your home! That includes newspapers, magazines, music whether secular or religious, Gospel music is wonderful if it is truly Gospel music and of GOD, children’s books, books in general, TV packages such as Dish Network and services that include evil rock music, country music and adult channels, items on the computer especially pornography, yoga, board games, pictures, horoscope!
  195. Did you know that eternal life is a gift? Well, it surely is! The HOLY BIBLE states in Romans 6:23: “FOR THE WAGES OF SIN IS DEATH; BUT THE GIFT OF GOD IS ETERNAL LIFE THROUGH JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD.”  Yes my beloved, eternal life a is wonderful and a priceless gift! Do you have this gift?
  196. Did you know that everyone who is saved has the precious HOLY GHOST abiding in their heart? Yes indeed that is so! And did you also know that the precious HOLY GHOST is a gift? Yes indeed that is so! The HOLY BIBLE states in Acts 2:38: “THEN PETER SAID UNTO THEM, REPENT, AND BE BAPTIZED EVERY ONE OF YOU IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST FOR THE REMISSION OF SINS, AND YE SHALL RECEIVE THE GIFT OF THE HOLY GHOST.”  Yes, the HOLY GHOST is a precious and a priceless gift.  Do you have this gift?
  197. Are you on sinking sand or are you on the one firm foundation? Everyone in this life is either on sinking sand or on that one firm foundation! That one firm foundation is CHRIST! 1  Corinthians 3:11 states: “FOR OTHER FOUNDATION CAN NO MAN LAY THAT THAT IS LAID, WHICH IS JESUS CHRIST.”  Yes my beloved only CHRIST is the one sure foundation! The foundation of eternal life which is only “IN CHRIST” is one glorious foundation indeed and can never by destroyed or lost!
  198. Where does all of this gun violence come from? The answer is found in Matthew 15:19-20: “FOR OUT OF THE HEART PROCEED EVIL THOUGHTS, MURDERS, ADULTERIES, FORNICATIONS, THEFTS, FALSE WITNESS, BLASPHEMIES: THESE ARE THE THINGS WHICH DEFILE A MAN: BUT TO EAT WITH UNWASHEN HANDS DEFILETH NOT  A MAN.” There it is my beloved.  The answer in which the evil Biden administration does not want to accept! JESUS said it and it is the truth since JESUS is the one and the only GOD!!! Guns are not the problem and in fact we need more guns!
  199. Do you envy sinners AKA all who are not saved? If you do then you need to read Proverbs 23:17 which states: “LET NOT THINE HEART ENVY SINNERS: BUT BE THOU IN THE FEAR OF THE LORD ALL THE DAY LONG.”  Yes my beloved we are not to envy sinners with all of their money, fame, etc.  We are to be in the fear of the Lord all the day long.
  200. Do you want to have good health and live a long time? If you do then Proverbs l7:22 has your answer which states: “A MERRY HEART DOETH GOOD LIKE A MEDICINE: BUT A BROKEN SPIRIT DRIETH THE BONES.” How very true that really is. I have a merry heart and I hope you do too!
  201. Will you drop into Hell? You will drop into Hell if you neglect so great salvation as the salvation that GOD the Father has provided through His only begotten SON who is none other than JESUS! The HOLY BIBLE states in Hebrews 2:2-3: “FOR IF THE WORD SPOKEN BY ANGELS WAS STEDFAST, AND EVERY TRANSGRESSION AND DISOBEDIENCE RECEIVED A JUST RECOMPENCE OF REWARD; HOW SHALL WE EXCAPE, IF WE NEGLECT SO GREAT SALVATION; WHICH AS THE FIRST BEGAN TO BE SPOKEN BY THE LORD, AND WAS CONFIRMED UNTO US BY THEM THAT HEARD HIM.”  Also in John 3:36: “HE THAT BELIEVETH ON THE SON HATH EVERLASTING LIFE: AND HE THAT BELIEVETH NOT THE SON SHALL NOT SEE LIFE; BUT THE WRATH OF GOD ABIDETH ON HIM.”  There it is my beloved.  JESUS is the SON! Never neglect so great salvation! The BLOOD OF JESUS sets the captive free!!! You are a captive of the devil if you are not saved.  See 2 Timothy 2:24-26.  BE SAVED TODAY!!!
  202. Do you want to have life? If you sincerely do want life then there is only one person who can give it.  His name is JESUS and only JESUS.  The HOLY BIBLE states in John 5:40: “AND YE WILL NOT COME TO ME, THAT YE MIGHT HAVE LIFE.”  Yes, JESUS said that to the Jews of His day and it is applicable even today! Come to JESUS for eternal life, the life in which JESUS is talking about here in this verse of Scripture!
  203. Are you calling GOD a liar? You are if you believe not the truth! The truth is JESUS! The HOLY BIBLE states in John 14:6: “JESUS SAITH UNTO HIM, I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE: NO MAN COMETH UNTO THE FATHER, BUT BY ME.”  So there you have it my beloved.  Don’t call GOD a liar but believe the truth by the belief of the Gospel today if you are not saved! JESUS is the WORD and the WORD is JESUS and the WORD is the Gospel which is the King James HOLY BIBLE and only the King James!!!
  204. Do you hope to go to Heaven? If you do hope to go to Heaven then you won’t be there! God’s salvation is a know-so salvation! Not a hope-so, maybe-so or think-so! 1 John 5:13 states: “THESE THINGS HAVE I WRITTEN UNTO YOU THAT BELIEVE ON THE NAME OF THE SON OF GOD; THAT YE MAY KNOW THAT YE HAVE ETERNAL LIFE, AND THAT YE MAY BELIEVE ON THE NAME OF THE SON OF GOD.”  Also in 1 John 5:19: “AND WE KNOW THAT WE ARE OF GOD, AND THE WHOLE WORLD LIETH IN WICKEDNESS.”  So there it is.  The truth concerning the matter.  When we are saved we know that we are saved.  We don’t have a wishy-washy hope-so salvation my beloved, get that straight right now! If you hope you are going to Heaven or you think you are going to Heaven or you think you might go to Heaven then I suggest you get saved and know it today! Go to the homepage and be saved today!
  205. Do all ways, roads, and religions lead to Heaven? NO! Indeed not! The HOLY BIBLE states in John 14:6: “JESUS SAITH UNTO HIM, I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE: NO MAN COMETH UNTO THE FATHER BUT BE ME.” So there you have it my beloved.  All ways and all roads and all religions do not lead to Heaven! Notice that JESUS said that He is “the” way not “a” way! The way means only one way my beloved! If JESUS said that He is a way then that would mean that He would be one of many ways to Heaven, but JESUS did not say that He is a way but JESUS said that He is “the” way! Note and never forget that fact my beloved!
  206. Can I lose my salvation? NO! The HOLY BIBLE states in Ephesians 4:30: “AND GRIEVE NOT THE HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD, WHEREBY YE ARE SEALED UNTO THE DAY OF REDEMPTION.”  There it is my beloved.  If you are saved then you possess the HOLY SPIRIT of God.  In order to lose your salvation then you would have to lose the HOLY SPIRIT and that is not possible as per Ephesians 4:30. No sin that you can commit can make you lose your wonderful salvation including suicide as so many in this land teach. Don’t be fooled by all of these wolves in sheep’s clothing that are in the pulpit my beloved! The HOLY BIBLE is clear on the matter and the HOLY BIBLE is the final say on that matter!
  207. When a person gets saved is that person ordained? YES as per John 15:16 which states: “YE HAVE NOT CHOSEN ME, BUT I HAVE CHOSEN YOU, AND ORDAINED YOU, THAT YE SHOULD GO AND BRING FORTH FRUIT, AND THAT YOUR FRUIT SHOULD REMAIN: THAT WHATSOEVER YE SHALL ASK OF THE FATHER I MY NAME, HE MAY GIVE IT YOU.”  There it is my beloved.  We as Christians are ordained by almighty GOD at the time of our conversion that we should go and preach and teach the Gospel to every creature when we have studied enough and know the HOLY BIBLE as it is.  We need to study to show ourselves approved as per 2 Timothy 2:15: “STUDY TO SHEW THYSELF APPROVED UNTO GOD, A WORKMAN THAT NEEDETH NOT TO BE ASHAMED, RIGHTLY DIVIDING THE WORD OF TRUTH.”  Yes we are to study and show the world the truth who is JESUS when we are saved and therefore ordained!
  208. Where did all the religions come from? The answer to that is found in the Book of Jasher by JH Parry and Co.1810.  On page 21 it tells the truth of where all of these religions came from.  The Book of Jasher is referred to in the HOLY BIBLE in the Book of Joshua and in 2 Samuel so you know that it is credible.  All the religions of this world are anti-Christ! Why? Because the devil in all those people in all of those religions knows that the HOLY BIBLE is the true Word of God!  Always remember my beloved that the HOLY BIBLE is the one and the only Word of God! That is why it is hated so much by the world!
  209. How should a Christian live in this evil world? The answer is found in James 1:27: “PURE RELIGION AND UNDEFILED BEFORE GOD AND THE FATHER IS THIS, TO VISIT THE FATHERLESS AND WIDOWS IN THEIR AFFLICTION, AND TO KEEP HIMSELF UNSPOTTED FROM THE WORLD.”  So there you have it my beloved, the exact way we should live in this present world.  We should be unspotted from this evil world and that means music.  If you are saved that means you are a citizen of Heaven and citizens of Heaven do not listen to evil perverted rock music, whether secular or religious, you mark that down right now! The devil’s crowd loves rock music but not so for the Christian since the Christian is a citizen of Heaven! One of the quickest way to make your home haunted is having evil rock music in it.  How sad for the children if there is evil rock music in that home!
  210. When can a person be saved? The answer is found in John 6:44: “NO MAN CAN COME TO ME, EXCEPT THE FATHER WHICH HATH SENT ME DRAW HIM: AND I WILL RAISE HIM UP AT THE LAST DAY.”  Also in John 6:65: “AND HE SAID, THEREFORE I UNTO YOU, THAT NO MAN CAN COME UNTO ME, EXCEPT IT WERE GIVEN UNTO HIM OF MY FATHER.”  There it is my beloved. When the HOLY GHOST draws you then you will either accept JESUS or reject JESUS as your own personal Saviour! If the HOLY GHOST does not draw you then you will not be saved, i.e. sinning away your day of grace! Of course you have to hear the WORD first as John 5:24 states: “VERILY, VERILY, I SAY UNTO YOU, HE THAT HEARETH MY WORD, AND BELIEVETH ON HIM THAT SENT ME, HATH EVERLASTING LIFE, AND SHALL NOT COME INTO CONDEMNATION; BUT IS PASSED FROM DEATH UNTO LIFE.”  So you must hear the WORD and believe to be saved my beloved! The WORD is only and I mean only the King James HOLY BIBLE.
  211. Is GOD a trinity? YES! Indeed so.  GOD is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit!  Since we are created in the image of GOD then we are a trinity as well.  We are spirit, soul, and body! There is only one GOD manifested in three persons!
  212. When a person gets saved and receives the Holy Spirit at conversion, does that person automatically speak in tongues as these psychos of today jibber jabber and teach? NO!!! They surely do not! Don’t let all of these wolves in sheep’s clothing lie and deceive you into believing that evil doctrine my beloved! These wolves in sheep’s clothing AKA false prophets are just everywhere nowadays.  Speaking in tongues is not for today whatsoever!  The HOLY BIBLE states in 2 Timothy 4:3-4: “FOR THE TIME WILL COME WHEN THEY WILL NOT ENDURE SOUND DOCTRINE; BUT AFTER THEIR OWN LUSTS SHALL THEY HEAP TO THEMSELVES TEACHERS, HAVING ITCHING EARS; AND THEY SHALL TURN AWAY THEIR EARS FROM THE TRUTH, AND SHALL BE TURNED UNTO FABLES.”  Yes  my beloved, that is where we are at today in the USA!
  213. Do Catholics pray to Mary? YES! They surely do! The hail Mary is one of the prayers to Mary that the Catholics pray and also the “Rosary” is another Marian prayer that the evil Catholics pray.  So don’t let these deceivers lie to you my beloved.  They do pray to Mary no matter what priest, pomp pope, bishop, cardinal or whomever tells you concerning the matter.  The fact is they do!
  214. What is “feminization of America”? It is females in positions where they should not be and where males should be! It is these evil perverted lesbians and the feminists trying to take over America! A good example is in the state troopers.  What kind of a sicko goofy pervert female would want to be a trooper? Only a feminist female lesbian reprobate that is filled with her perverted master who is the devil that is the only kind my beloved! It is a female who is perverting this country as they have been doing since the garden of Eden! It is enough to make you throw up! Most females hate being female that is why they wear male clothing.  The state troopers is a prime example.  Pervert females wearing a man’s uniform, that is the perfect example my beloved! I do not put up nor will I tolerate such female perversion as that in my home!
  215. Is the “book of life” and the “Lamb’s book of life” one and the same book? YES! Here are the words of almighty God! See Psalm 69:28, Philippians 4:3, Revelation 3:5, Revelation 13:8, Revelation 17:8, Revelation 20:12, Revelation 20:15, Revelation 21:27, Revelation 22:19.  Yes my beloved the “book of life” and the “Lamb’s book of life” is the same book.  A lot of pastors and teachers teach and preach that they are two different books, but they are ignorant of the WORD OF GOD! If you rightly divide the WORD OF GOD then it is very clear that the two books are one and the same! Amen and hallelujah!
  216. Is the NIV doctrines of devils? YES! Indeed it is and here is the proof: Daniel 3:25 in the evil NIV states that JESUS is a son of the gods! Such total blasphemy! JESUS is “the” Son of God not a son but the Son of God! The NIV states that JESUS is of demonic origin and that JESUS is a son of devils! Such evil and blasphemy! Don’t let all of these wolves in sheep’s clothing fool and pervert you any longer my beloved!
  217. What is the conspiracy against America? It is so called pastors who use doctrines of devils AKA all new translations and versions instead of the true WORD OF GOD which is the King James! Make no mistake this is going on across our wonderful country in full force even as I write this! This conspiracy is also robbing children of the Gospel and therefore damning them to Hell with all of their evil versions that these false prophets promote! All of these so called pastors are wolves in sheep’s clothing my beloved, so don’t let them pervert or subvert you precious soul!
  218. Did you know that if you are not saved then you are walking death? YES, that is so true! The HOLY BIBLE states in John 5:24: “VERILY, VERILY, I SAY UNTO YOU, HE THAT HEARETH MY WORD, AND BELIEVETH ON HIM THAT SENT ME, HATH EVERLASTING LIFE, AND SHALL NOT COME INTO CONDEMNATION; BUT IS PASSED FROM DEATH UNTO LIFE.”   Believe that GOD the Father sent JESUS the Son to be the Saviour of the whole world, and by the way, your own personal Saviour too! There you have it my beloved. If you are not saved then you have not passed from death unto life, which is the life “IN CHRIST”, which is eternal life as John 5:24 clearly states! So my beloved be saved today and go from death unto life and see the wonderful difference! Amen and hallelujah! If GOD almighty is convicting you of your need of salvation then go the home page to the wonderful salvation prayer.  Do it today my beloved!
  219. What does the parable of the sower teach us? The parable of the sower is located in Matthew chapter 13 and is a wonderful parable.  It teaches that three quarters of professing Christians are not saved and also teaches that three quarters plus of the human race is lost.  So therefore, most people on planet earth will not make it to Heaven.  How sad! This chapter also correlates with Matthew 7:13-14.  Only few will make it to Heaven my beloved.  So very sad! My beloved, make sure you are indeed saved today!
  220. What is baptismal regeneration? It is what evil churches teach concerning salvation.  These evil churches teach that a person receives salvation or is saved by water baptism.  This is a lie from the pit of Hell my beloved! Water baptism has nothing whatsoever to do with our salvation.  Don’t you let any pervert pastor or minister or whomever tell you otherwise precious soul! The HOLY BIBLE is very clear on the matter.  Water baptism is for after a person is saved not before! The prime example is the thief on the cross.  He did not get baptized and yet JESUS said that he would be with Him in paradise that day.  So my beloved, there you have it.  The truth on the matter! See John 5:24 for the truth concerning salvation and you will discover that the HOLY BIBLE does not mention water baptism to be saved! Let’s go to John 5:24 now: “VERILY, VERILY, I SAY UNTO YOU, HE THAT HEARETH MY WORD, AND BELIEVETH ON HIM THAT SENT ME, HATH EVERLASTING LIFE, AND SHALL NOT COME INTO CONDEMNATION; BUT IS PASSED FROM DEATH UNTO LIFE.”  JESUS doesn’t say he that is baptized in this wonderful glorious verse! In fact nowhere in the entire HOLY BIBLE does JESUS say to be baptized to receive salvation or be saved my beloved! So don’t let all of these evil perverted pastors, ministers, teachers, priests, cardinals, bishops, etc. pervert and subvert you! Don’t let all of these wolves in sheep’s clothing damn you to Hell with their damnable lies, especially the evil perverted Catholic church which is the largest satanic cult in the world.  Baptismal regeneration is one their evil lies that they push off on all of those brainwashed parishioners who flock to that cult and give millions of dollars to buy their way into Heaven, so they think! You cannot buy your way into Heaven.  To be Heaven bound is a gift from almighty GOD through the shed BLOOD of the LORD JESUS CHRIST! So believe with your heart and then be baptized my beloved and be saved and be on you way to Heaven today! Go to the home page and then to the salvation prayer and be saved!
  221. Is it true that all religions have some good in them? YES! Indeed all religions have some good in them, but beware, of the leaven! The HOLY BIBLE states in 1 Corinthians 5:6: “YOUR GLORYING IS NOT GOOD.  KNOW YE NOT THAT A LITTLE LEAVEN LEAVENETH THE WHOLE LUMP.”  Yes my beloved these evil religions of the world have mostly 95% plus leaven which is evil anti-CHRIST doctrines along with some good that they preach and teach! But some good will not get you saved and half-truths will not get you saved and on the road to Heaven! You must have the whole truth and not half-truths or some truths but only whole truths! All the religions of this world have half-truths which are more evil than a lie! See John 14:6.
  222. If you are black, do you know when, how, and why you became black since all people on planet earth are caucasian and also did you know that you were white before you were black? The answer is found in The Book of Jasher by JH Parry & Co. 1840 Chapter 9.
  223. Do you know who you are and whose you are? Your true identity is found only “IN CHRIST” and nowhere else! If you are saved then you know whose you are, for you belong to CHRIST JESUS!
  224. If I listen to evil rock music will I hear voices? YES! Listening to evil rock music is inviting the devil into your mind and there he will stay until you get rid of all of your evil rock music whether secular or religious and cast the devils out of your life and home! Make no mistake my beloved! Be sure to get rid of all of that CCM too!
  225. Did you get religion or did you get JESUS? I’m sure your probably have heard that ole saying, well, he got religion before he died! That is probably true.  So many have just got religion but don’t have CHRIST! One thing about it my beloved, religion is not the way to Heaven.  John 14:6 states the way to Heaven and it doesn’t say get religion either.  It does state: “JESUS SAITH UNTO HIM, I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE: NO MAN COMETH UNTO THE FATHER BUT BY ME.”  Yes my beloved JESUS is the “one” and the “only” way to Heaven and not religion! Always remember that religion damns but JESUS saves!!!
  226. Do you really know who you are in Christ? In CHRIST we are made free from sin.  Romans 6:18 states: “BEING THEN MADE FREE FROM SIN, YE BECAME THE SERVANTS OF RIGHTEOUSNESS.”  Yes, we are made free from sin, not free to sin but free from sin.  Also in Romans 6:11: “LIKEWISE RECKON YE ALSO YOURSELVES TO BE DEAD INDEED UNTO SIN, BUT ALIVE UNTO GOD THROUGH JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD.”  We as Christians which means we are saved and born again are dead unto sin which means we don’t need nor desire to sin.
  227. What does John 5:24 state? The HOLY BIBLE states in John 5:24: “VERILY, VERILY, I SAY UNTO YOU, HE THAT HEARETH MY WORD, AND BELIEVETH ON HIM THAT SENT ME, HATH EVERLASTING LIFE, AND SHALL NOT COME INTO CONDEMNATION; BUT IS PASSED FROM DEATH UNTO LIFE.”  How glorious! Notice very closely that JESUS says that he that heareth “My Word” not someone else’s word but “My Word” which is the HOLY BIBLE and only the King James and no other word my beloved! No other word, no other translation or version, no other religion! As I have said before now I say again that all new translations and version are only doctrines of devils.  Ever since 1951 these evil satanic versions have taken America by storm and so many tote them to their own destruction!  Why you ask? All new translations and versions are doctrines of devils and the devils of hell cannot save your soul, only CHRIST JESUS can save the soul from an eternal Hell my beloved!
  228. So many denominations teach that you need the “waters of regeneration” for regeneration or to be saved . Is it what the HOLY BIBLE says?  NO! Indeed not! We are not saved by the waters of regeneration but we are saved by the CRIMSON FLOW which is the BLOOD OF JESUS and not the flow of water baptism! Nowhere in the  HOLY BIBLE does it say that we need water baptism to be saved and to go to Heaven.  The HOLY BIBLE states in John 3:5: “JESUS ANSWERED, VERILY, VERILY, I SAY UNTO THEE, EXCEPT A MAN BE BORN OF WATER AND OF THE SPIRIT, HE CANNOT ENTER INTO THE KINGDOM OF GOD.”  This is JESUS speaking here.  He says you have to be born of WATER which is the WATER of the WORD OF GOD and not water of baptism my beloved.  Also in 1 Peter 1:23: “BEING BORN AGAIN, NOT OF CORRUPTIBLE SEED, BUT OF INCORRUPTIBLE, BY THE WORD OF GOD, WHICH LIVETH AND ABIDETH FOR EVER.”  So you see my beloved, we are not born again or have baptismal regeneration by water baptism, but we are born again only by the WORD OF GOD! We are however, baptized by the precious HOLY GHOST at the time of our conversion! The evil Catholic church teach baptismal regeneration but it is evil Catholic sissy doctrine and not the WORD OF GOD! Baptism, as I have said many times before has nothing to do with our salvation.  Don’t let all of these sissy saps of satan or any perverted reprobate psycho female with their evil perverted poisoned mind damn you to Hell with their evil sissy doctrines and their evil perverted female perversion with their evil perverted female mindset my beloved because a goofy pervert female will pervert you quicker than anything on this planet! If you want to know exactly what a female is all about read Ecclesiastes 7:26 and you will discover that a female is more bitter than death and so much more my beloved! JESUS didn’t preach baptismal regeneration and neither do I!
  229. Why is the authorized King James the HOLY BIBLE you should use? The answer is found in Jeremiah 6:16: “THUS SAITH THE LORD, STAND YE IN THE WAYS, AND SEE, AND ASK FOR THE OLD PATHS, WHERE IS THE GOOD WAY, AND WALK THEREIN, AND YE SHALL FIND REST FOR YOUR SOULS.  BUT THEY SAID, WE WILL NOT WALK THEREIN.”  Yes my beloved walk in the old paths of God’s HOLY BIBLE which is the authorized King James. The King James is the “good way” and the only way! Also because the King James is God’s only WORD!
  230. In John chapter four, did the woman at the well get saved? NO! It is so quite obvious when reading chapter four that the woman at the well did not get saved as so many pastors, preachers, and many others say to the contrary! These pastors, preachers, Sunday school teachers, etc. wrest the Scriptures to their own destruction and to the destruction of their hearers! Any person who is saved and not a female worshipper will clearly see the truth of John chapter four, just let the precious HOLY SPIRIT guide you and you will see the total truth on the matter! First of all, in verse 10: “JESUS ANSWERED AND SAID UNTO HER, IF THOU KNEWEST THE GIFT OF GOD, AND WHO IT IS THAT SAITH TO THEE, GIVE ME TO DRINK; THOU WOULDEST HAVE ASKED OF HIM, AND HE WOULD GIVE THEE LIVING WATER.”  The woman of Samaria is not saved at this point.  In verse 12 the woman asked JESUS if He was greater than their father Jacob.  Verse 13-15 says: “JESUS ANSWERED AND SAID UNTO HER, WHOSOEVER DRINKETH OF THIS WATER SHALL THIRST AGAIN: BUT WHOSOEVER DRINKETH OF THE WATER THAT I SHALL GIVE HIM SHALL NEVER THIRST; BUT THE WATER THAT I SHALL GIVE HIM SHALL BE IN HIM A WELL OF WATER SPRINGING UP INTO EVERLASTING LIFE.”  THE WOMAN SAITH UNTO HIM, SIR, GIVE ME THIS WATER, THAT I THIRST NOT, NEITHER COME HITHER TO DRAW.”  The woman of Samaria is still not saved at this point.  In verse 24-26 the HOLY BIBLE states, “GOD IS A SPIRIT: AND THEY THAT WORSHIP HIM MUST WORSHIP HIM IN SPIRIT AND IN TRUTH.  THE WOMAN SAITH UNTO HIM, I KNOW THAT MESSIAS COMETH, WHICH IS CALLED CHRIST: WHEN HE IS COME, HE WILL TELL US ALL THINGS.  JESUS SAITH UNTO HER, I THAT SPEAK UNTO THEE AND HE.”  The woman of Samaria is still not saved.  In verse 28-30: “THE WOMAN THEN LEFT HER WATERPOT, AND WENT HER WAY INTO THE CITY, AND SAITH TO THE MEN, COME, SEE A MAN, WHICH TOLD ME ALL THINGS THAT EVER I DID: IS NOT THIS THE CHRIST? THEN THEY WENT OUT OF THE CITY, AND CAME UNTO HIM.”  The woman of Samaria is still not saved.  Then she says to the men of the city—-is not this the CHRIST? Such typical evil female perversion! JESUS TOLD HER HE WAS CHRIST!!! She tried to pervert the men of the city with that evil perverted female mentality question—-is not this the CHRIST? Such goofy and perverted female mindset poison and yes it is poison! After JESUS told her directly that He was CHRIST, she still did her best to pervert the men of the city and denying CHRIST as God! That is a perverted female for you my beloved! And then finally to prove she never got saved the men of the city proved it.  In verse 41-42: “AND MANY MORE BELIEVED BECAUSE OF HIS OWN WORD; AND SAID UNTO THE WOMAN, NOW WE BELIEVE, NOT BECAUSE OF THY SAYING: FOR WE HAVE HEARD HIM OURSELVES, AND KNOW THAT THIS IS INDEED THE CHRIST, THE SAVIOUR OF THE WORLD.”  So you see my beloved this ungodly perverted reprobate female tried her best to pervert and damn the men of the city with her evil goofiness and her evil poison, but they were too smart for her by their own testimony in verse 42,  thank GOD for that! Now back to verse 39: “AND MANY OF THE SAMARITANS OF THAT CITY BELIEVED ON HIM FOR THE SAYING OF THE WOMAN WHICH TESTIFIED, HE TOLD ME ALL THAT EVER I DID.” They believed He was just a prophet as she said in verse 19.  These did not believe that He was the CHRIST as the HOLY BIBLE clearly states as it does in verse 42! Verse 39 does not say that many of them believed He was the Saviour of the world, but believed the saying of the woman in which she said He told me all that ever I did! How sad they did not believe He was the CHRIST as she did not believe my beloved! Always remember my beloved that a female will pervert and damn you quicker than anything on this planet as evidenced by this evil reprobate female of Samaria and her evil perverted poison.  If you want to know what a female is all about the HOLY BIBLE has your answer my beloved.  Go to Ecclesiastes 7:26 which states: “AND I FIND MORE BITTER THAN DEATH THE WOMAN, WHOSE HEART IS SNARES AND NETS, AND HER HANDS ARE AS BANDS: WHOSO PLEASETH GOD SHALL ESCAPE FROM HER; BUT THE SINNER SHALL BE TAKEN BY HER.”  Now that is exactly what a female is my beloved! First, she is more bitter than death and you cannot get any worse than that.  Second, her evil perverted heart is snares and nets.  Third, her evil hands are as bands.  So there you have it, the total truth of what a female is all about just like that evil reprobate female of Samaria who refused to believe that JESUS was and is the CHRIST!
  231. If I am a Christian, should I marry a person who is not a Christian? NO! Indeed not! Why you ask? The answer is found in 1 Kings 11:1-4: “BUT KING SOLOMON LOVED MANY STRANGE WOMEN, TOGETHER WITH THE DAUGHTER OF PHARAOH, WOMEN OF THE MOABITES, AMMONITES, EDOMITES, ZIDONIANS, AND HITTITES; OF THE NATIONS CONCERNING WHICH THE LORD SAID UNTO THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL, YE SHALL NOT GO IN TO THEM, NEITHER SHALL THEY COME IN UNTO YOU: FOR SURELY THEY WILL TURN AWAY YOUR HEART AFTER THEIR gods: SOLOMON CLAVE UNTO THESE IN LOVE.  AND HE HAD SEVEN HUNDRED WIVES, PRINCESSES, AND THREE HUNDRED CONCUBINES: AND HIS WIVES TURNED AWAY HIS HEART.  FOR IT CAME TO PASS WHEN SOLOMON WAS OLD, THAT HIS WIVES TURNED AWAY HIS HEART AFTER OTHER gods: AND HIS HEART WAS NOT PERFECT WITH THE LORD HIS GOD, AS WAS THE HEART OF DAVID HIS FATHER.”  Also in 2 Corinthians 6:14-16: “BE YE NOT UNEQUALLY YOKED TOGETHER WITH UNBELIEVERS: FOR WHAT FELLOWSHIP HATH RIGHTEOUSNESS WITH UNRIGHTEOUSNESS? AND WHAT COMMUNION HATH LIGHT WITH DARKNESS? AND WHAT CONCORD HATH CHRIST WITH BELIAL? OR WHAT PART HATH HE THAT BELIEVETH WITH AN INFIDEL? AND WHAT AGREEMENT HATH THE TEMPLE OF GOD WITH IDOLS? FOR YE ARE THE TEMPLE OF THE LIVING GOD; AS GOD HATH SAID, I WILL DWELL IN THEM, AND WALK IN THEM; AND I WILL BE THEIR GOD, AND THEY SHALL BE MY PEOPLE.” There you have it my beloved, the truth concerning the matter.  A female will turn your heart away from God quicker than anything on this planet, don’t ever forget that fact! They will pervert you and damn you to Hell with their evil perverted love of evil and their perverted love of their perverted evil master the devil.  They also twist, wrest, and pervert the WORD OF GOD to damn you to an everlasting Hell!  Never forget that a female’s goofy evil mind and heart is the most poisonous thing on this planet and when you read Genesis chapter three you will discover what an evil female really can do and will do and what an evil female is all about and that female was Eve.  Eve perverted from A to Z the WORD OF GOD! Evil Eve is the prime example!  Never, never forget that fact my beloved! Don’t let them damn you to Hell with their evil perverted female goofiness precious soul! What does almighty GOD have to say about it? In Ecclesiastes 7:26: “AND  I FIND MORE BITTER THAN DEATH THE WOMAN, WHOSE HEART IS SNARES AND NETS, AND HER HANDS AS BANDS: WHOSO PLEASETH GOD SHALL ESCAPE FROM HER; BUT THE SINNER SHALL BE TAKEN BY HER.”  Now that is what almighty GOD has to say about what a female is really all about my beloved! To be more bitter than death, you just cannot get any worse than that precious soul! Amen and hallelujah, you know the truth now!!!
  232. Are you a defeated Christian? If so then you need to know exactly what the HOLY BIBLE says on the matter! John 1:12-13 states: “BUT AS MANY AS RECEIVED HIM, TO THEM GAVE HE THE POWER TO BECOME THE SONS OF GOD, EVEN TO THEM THAT BELIEVE ON HIS NAME: WHICH WERE BORN, NOT OF BLOOD, NOR OF THE WILL OF THE FLESH, NOR OF THE WILL OF MAN, BUT OF GOD.”  Also in 1 John 5:4: “FOR WHOSOEVER IS BORN OF GOD OVERCOMETH THE WORLD: AND THIS IS THE VICTORY THAT OVERCOMETH THE WORLD, EVEN OUR FAITH.”  So there you have it my beloved.  If you are a defeated Christian you have no one to blame except for yourself.  Study the HOLY BIBLE and memorize it and believe what JESUS has done for you!!! In Romans 8:37: “NAY, IN ALL THESE THINGS WE ARE MORE THAN CONQUERORS THROUGH HIM THAT LOVED US.”  Yes we are more than conquerors my beloved, so be a conqueror my beloved not a defeated Christian!
  233. What in the world is going on in our wonderful America nowadays?  The answer if found in the HOLY BIBLE in 2 Timothy 4:2-4: “PREACH THE WORD; BE INSTANT IN SEASON, AND OUT OF SEASON; REPROVE, REBUKE, EXHORT WITH ALL LONGSUFFERING AND DOCTRINE.  FOR THE TIME WILL COME WHEN THEY WILL NOT ENDURE SOUND DOCTRINE; BUT AFTER THEIR OWN LUSTS SHALL THEY HEAP TO THEMSELVES TEACHERS, HAVING ITCHING EARS; AND THEY SHALL TURN AWAY THEIR EARS FROM THE TRUTH, AND SHALL BE TURNED UNTO FABLES.” This is the perfect picture of the USA right now.  So many false prophets with millions of dollars from their brainwashed congregation, all of these evil new translations and versions of the HOLY BIBLE which are simply doctrines of devils, which most churches are using today.  Promoting this ungodly witchcraft called contemporary christian music which is not Christian at all.  These church going hypocrites love rock music since that is their master’s music! These sex freaks are everywhere in these churches and so many are the pastors which is unthinkable! The evil Catholic church is the prime example.  How can those parents send their children to that evil sodomite cult knowing what is going on and has been going on since JESUS was on earth! The Baptist churches are not the Baptist churches I grew up in my beloved, not anymore, and they wonder what is going on with the weather and other things that almighty God is doing to try to wake up this evil generation that are 80 and under! These mothers are not teaching their children about JESUS whatsoever and therefore are creating frankensteins in this wonderful land of ours as Proverbs 23:27-28 states.  These evil mothers are increasing the transgressors among men my beloved and you know it is the total truth!  These mothers are directly responsible for all the serial killers in this land of opportunity.
  234. Do you have the real JESUS? Did you know that are many jesuses but only one real JESUS? 1.  There is the rock and roll jesus!  2.  There is the jesus christ superstar jesus! 3.  There is the Catholic jesus! 4.  There is the Anglican jesus! 5.  There is the Jehovah Witness jesus! 6.  There is the Mormon jesus! 7.  There is the CCM jesus! 8.  There is the christian rock (trap) jesus! 9.  There is the christian rap (trap) jesus! 10.  There is the country music jesus! 11.  There is the heavy metal jesus! 12.  There is the NIV, RSV, ESV, NLT, NKJV, CSB and all the other evil new translations and versions jesus! But my beloved there is only one real JESUS and you find Him in His WORD which is the King James HOLY BIBLE.  All other jesuses are the wrong jesus! DO YOU HAVE THE REAL JESUS PRECIOUS SOUL AND DO YOU HAVE THE REAL HOLY BIBLE PRECIOUS SOUL???
  235. What does it mean to believe with your head and not with your heart? Head belief is belief without reception! Heart belief is belief with reception! Head belief is the belief of the world, the world of sinners and the world system of evil! They believe about JESUS but have no reception of JESUS in their heart! The HOLY BIBLE states in 2 Corinthians 7:10: “FOR GODLY SORROW WORKETH REPENTANCE TO SALVATION NOT TO REPENTED OF: BUT THE SORROW OF THE WORLD WORKETH DEATH.”  Godly sorrow is Biblical sorrow and the sorrow of the world is not Biblical sorrow but worldly sorrow! Worldly sorrow is believing that JESUS was only a good man and/or a good prophet and a good person but not actually God in flesh! Now Godly sorrow is found in Romans 10:9-10: “THAT IF THOU SHALT CONFESS WITH THY MOUTH THE LORD JESUS, AND SHALT BELIEVE IN THINE HEART THAT GOD HATH RAISED HIM FROM THE DEAD, THOU SHALT BE SAVED.”  So there you have it my beloved, the exact truth on the matter. Heart belief is belief with reception which is totally different! Heart belief is reception of JESUS into your heart by accepting JESUS as your own personal Saviour! Belief in what JESUS has already done for you which is stated in the HOLY BIBLE! So, accept JESUS as your own personal Saviour today if you just have head belief my beloved!!!
  236. Where is GOD to be found? The answer is He is found in His WORD!!! That WORD is the King James Holy Bible and no other my beloved.
  237. How are we made the righteousness of GOD?  That answer is only found in the HOLY BIBLE which states: “FOR HE HATH MADE HIM TO BE SIN FOR US, WHO KNEW NO SIN; THAT WE MIGHT BE MADE THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD IN HIM.”  That is 2 Corinthians 5:21.  We are made the righteousness of God only in Him who is CHRIST and no other my beloved.  We are not made the righteousness of God in religion, church membership, being like mother Teresa, giving money, doing good works, being a good person, or anything else.  Only “IN CHRIST” are we made the righteousness of God and to that I say amen and hallelujah!!!
  238. What are the 3 things that a church and a ministry supposed to do? Those 3 things are: 1.  PREACH THE GOSPEL.  2.  WIN THE LOST.  3.  TEACH NEW BELIEVERS.  That is exactly what my ministry does through this wonderful and glorious website! Amen!
  239. Do you have and believe the doctrine of CHRIST? Not the Baptist doctrine, not the Catholic doctrine, not the Methodist doctrine, not the Jehovah Witness doctrine, not the Mormon doctrine, not the Episcopal doctrine, not the Church of England doctrine, but the doctrine of CHRIST! The HOLY BIBLE states in 2 John 9-11: “WHOSOEVER TRANSGRESSETH, AND ABIDETH NOT IN THE DOCTRINE OF CHRIST, HATH NOT GOD.  HE THAT ABIDETH IN THE DOCTRINE OF CHRIST HE HATH BOTH THE FATHER AND THE SON.  IF THERE COME ANY UNTO YOU AND BRING NOT THIS DOCTRINE RECEIVE HIM NOT INTO YOUR HOUSE, NEITHER BID HIM GOD SPEED: FOR HE THAT BIDDETH HIM GOD SPEED IS PARTAKER OF HIS EVIL DEEDS.”  So there you have it my beloved! Don’t let anyone into your home that has not the doctrine of CHRIST and that doctrine is only in the King James HOLY BIBLE and no other.  All of these “evil” new translations and versions are just that “EVIL”! >>>THEY ARE NOT THE WORD OF GOD BUT ARE DOCTRINES OF DEVILS AND NOT THE DOCTRINE OF CHRIST!<<<  Don’t be deceived any longer my beloved!
  241. What is the quickest way to make your house haunted? Rock music is the quickest way to make your house haunted my beloved. Whether secular or religious it is all straight from Hell!
  242. Do “sins” damn the soul to an eternal Hell? NO! Sins don’t damn the soul but “sin” does!!!  Sin is defined as UNBELIEF (John 16:9) (John 3:16-18) (Revelation 21:8)! Unbelief is the one and the only sin that damns the soul to an eternal Hell my beloved! Blasphemy of the HOLY SPIRIT is a fruit of unbelief!  Don’t be deceived any longer.  Any crime or sin you can name will not damn you to Hell.  Only the sin of UNBELIEF!
  243. By what means is JESUS the Son of God? The answer is found in Romans 1:1-4: “PAUL A SERVANT OF JESUS CHRIST, CALLED TO BE AN APOSTLE, SEPARATED UNTO THE GOSPEL OF GOD, WHICH HE HAD PROMISED AFORE BY HIS PROPHETS IN THE HOLY SCRIPTURES, CONCERNING HIS SON JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD, WHICH WAS MADE OF THE SEED OF DAVID ACCORDING TO HE FLESH; AND DECLARED TO BE THE SON OF GOD WITH POWER, ACCORDING TO THE SPIRIT OF HOLINESS, BY THE RESURRECTON FROM THE DEAD.”  There is is my beloved, JESUS is God in flesh by the resurrection from the dead, not by His miracles, not by His sinless life, not by His death, but by His resurrection from the dead!!! Amen and hallelujah!!!
  244. Are you an enemy of God? If you say that you are a Christian and are worldly then you are the enemy of God.  The HOLY BIBLE states in James 4:4: “YE ADULTERERS AND ADULTERESSES, KNOW YE NOT THAT THE FRIENDSHIP OF THE WORLD IS ENMITY WITH GOD? WHOSOEVER THEREFORE WILL BE A FREIND OF THE WORLD IS THE ENEMY OF GOD.”  There it is my beloved.  The truth on the matter of worldliness and the Christian.
  245. If you are a Christian have you endured much contradictions from sinners and harassment and persecution? If so then study Hebrews 12:3: “FOR CONSIDER HIM THAT ENDURED SUCH CONTRADICTION OF SINNERS AGAINST HIMSELF, LEST YE BE WEARIED AND FAINT IN YOUR MINDS.”  Yes my beloved remember that our precious Saviour, the LORD JESUS CHRIST, endured persecution and much contradiction of sinners! So, don’t be wearied in well doing.  Keep up the good work of winning the lost to a saving knowledge of JESUS CHRIST! Shout and sing because JESUS is King!!!
  246. What church is the true and right church to go to? The true church is the Body of CHRIST! All born again believers are in that Body of CHRIST! IF you have not the Spirit of CHRIST then you are not a child of God and are still lost and on the road to Hell! Every Christian possesses the HOLY SPIRIT so you can tell the true from the fakes by that fact my beloved! When looking for a good sound church then you need to find a King James (only) church.  Not some sissy wishy washy church that has the RSV, NIV, ESV, and all the other perverted doctrines of devils.  Notice I didn’t say bibles, but I said doctrines of devils and that is exactly what all new versions and translations are my beloved—doctrines of devils! Does your pastor tote doctrine of devils and does that very same pastor have those doctrines of devils in the pulpit at the church where you go??? If so, then leave that evil sissy place and move out to a King James (only) church!
  247. Did you know that as Christians we have the kingdom of God here and the kingdom of Heaven over there? Yes, that is so true! The HOLY BIBLE states in Luke 17:20-21: “AND WHEN HE WAS DEMANDED OF THE PHARISEES, WHEN THE KINGDOM OF GOD SHOULD COME, HE ANSWERED THEM AND SAID, THE KINGDOM OF GOD COMETH NOT WITH OBSERVATION: NEITHER SHALL THEY SAY, LO HERE! OR, LO THERE! FOR, BEHOLD, THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS WITHIN YOU.”  Yes my beloved how true that really is.  The kingdom of Heaven is in the third Heaven where God the Father lives and where we will live with Him forever and ever! See 1 Corinthians 12:1-4.  There will also be the pearly white city for us as well.
  248. Where do I get the power to be saved and become a son of God? Through the Gospel of Christ and nowhere else my beloved! Not in religion, good works, being a good person or anything else! The answer is found in Romans 1:16: “FOR I AM NOT ASHAMED OF THE GOSPEL OF CHRIST: FOR IT IS THE POWER OF GOD UNTO SALVATION TO EVERY ONE THAT BELIEVETH; TO THE JEW FIRST, AND ALSO TO THE GREEK.”  Also in John 1:12-13: “BUT AS MANY AS RECEIVED HIM, TO THEM GAVE HE POWER TO BECOME THE SONS OF GOD, EVEN TO THEM THAT BELIEVE ON HIS NAME: WHICH WERE BORN, NOT OF BLOOD, NOR OF THE WILL OF THE FLESH, NOR OF THE WILL OF MAN, BUT OF GOD.” So there you have it my beloved. You get the power to become a son of God by the Gospel of Christ and belief in that Gospel! The Gospel of Christ is the power of God unto salvation that God give you to live the Christian life.  You cannot live the Christian life in your own power.  Oh no! God gives us that power to live the Christian life when we are born again and the HOLY SPIRIT comes into our heart to guide us and give us power! I have been saved for over 57 years and I can say without reservation that God has given me the power to live this wonderful Christian life and He will give you that power too if you will believe the Gospel of Christ as these two verses state! Also in John 5:24: “VERILY, VERILY, I SAY UNTO YOU, HE THAT HEARETH MY WORD, AND BELIEVETH ON HIM THAT SENT ME, HATH EVERLASTING LIFE, AND SHALL NOT COME INTO CONDEMNATION; BUT IS PASSED FROM DEATH UNTO LIFE.”  Yes my beloved, you must hear the WORD and believe the WORD to be saved as this verse states! What is the Gospel of Christ? The answer is found in 1 Corinthians 15:3-4: “FOR I DELIVERED UNTO YOU FIRST OF ALL THAT WHICH I ALSO RECEIVED HOW THAT CHRIST DIED FOR OUR SINS ACCORDING TO THE SCRIPTURES; AND THAT HE WAS BURIED, AND THAT HE ROSE AGAIN THE THIRD DAY ACCORDING TO THE SCRIPTURES.”  That is the Gospel of Christ—death, burial, and resurrection of Christ for our sins and especially the sin of unbelief! Go to the homepage of this website and be saved today by accepting JESUS as your own personal Saviour!
  249. Does the HOLY BIBLE say what it means and means what it says? Yes indeed! The most wonderful thing about the HOLY BIBLE is that it says what it means and means what it say! When the HOLY BIBLE says wine the HOLY BIBLE means wine.
  250. What is the highest service that a person can do for another? Give them the Gospel and show them how to be saved! John 14:6 for example.
  251. Have you been trans-figured? If not then let JESUS trans-figure you today!!!
  252. Is the devil your father? He is if you are not saved! So be saved today by accepting JESUS as your own personal Saviour and let almighty God be your Father!
  253. Can all religions unite as one and be at peace with each other and accept each other? NO! Because all religions don’t worship the same God!
  254. What is the whole duty of man and the meaning of life? Ecclesiastes 12:13 has your answer.  The HOLY BIBLE states: “LET US HEAR THE CONCLUSION OF THE WHOLE MATTER: FEAR GOD, AND KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS: FOR THIS IS THE WHOLE DUTY OF MAN.”
  255. What is religion? Religion is trying to get to Heaven your way and not God’s way! Religion is a way to Hell (not a way to Heaven).  Religion is not “the” way to Heaven! “The” way is John 14:6.
  256. Did you know that the children of today are being robbed in a diabolical way? Yes they surely are.  They are being robbed of the Gospel—the true Gospel not the new translation and new version gospel!
  257. Does America need more hate groups? No! We need more prayer groups my beloved!
  258. Does the precious HOLY SPIRIT use a dirty vessel in His world of winning the lost? No! CCM aka contemporary christian music is dirty music and it is evil music and not Gospel music my beloved! CCM is music of the flesh just as secular rock music is music of the flesh! CCM is another gospel. CCM is the harlot music for the harlot church my beloved! Don’t be duped any longer by all of these devil worshippers!
  259. What bible does the harlot church use? They use all non-King James versions which are doctrines of devils!
  260. Have you heard that saying that nothing in life is free? Well, I beg to differ on that.  Eternal life is free!
  261. Do you have the right and correct foundation in life? Children need a good and firm foundation in this life as well as adults and that foundation is found only “IN CHRIST”! The HOLY BIBLE states in 1 Corinthians 3:11: “FOR OTHER FOUNDATION CAN NO MAN LAY THAN THAT IS LAID, WHICH IS JESUS CHRIST.”  America needs this foundation today!
  262. Does it pay to live a life without CHRIST? Yes it does. The HOLY BIBLE states in Romans 6:23: “FOR THE WAGES OF SIN IS DEATH; BUT THE GIFT OF GOD IS ETERNAL LIFE THROUGH JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD.”  Don’t live a life without CHRIST but accept CHRIST and be saved today!
  263. If I sow wild oats what will I reap? Death.  To sow wild oats is rebellion.  Rebellion of God! Rebellion is the sin unto death for the Christian!
  264. If the devil reminds you of your past then remind him of his future.  What is the devil’s future? It is the lake of fire forever!
  265. Can I inherit salvation? No! You must accept or reject God’s so great salvation! John 1:12-13.
  266. Did you know that the road to Heaven is not getting wider but the road to Hell is? Yes my beloved that is so true.  Matthew 7:13-14 has the truth.
  267. Did you know that with JESUS you can’t lose but without JESUS you can’t win? How true that really is my beloved!
  268. Did you know that the devil does most of his dirty work through his music? Yes that is so true. Listening to rock music will cause you to hear voices and that is true my beloved! Voices of the devils! Do you remember Kip Kinkel?
  269. Did you know that ignorance is bliss? Yes it surely is.  That ole saying is true and the flipside is true also.  Ecclesiastes 1:18 states: “FOR IN MUCH WISDOM IS MUCH GRIEF: AND HE THAT INCREASETH KNOWLEDGE INCREASETH SORROW.”  How true.
  270. What does the term “newborn babe in Christ” mean? It means a person who has just become a Christian and therefore is a new born babe in Christ! As a newborn babe in Christ you need to do one thing and that one thing is stated in the HOLY BIBLE! The HOLY BIBLE states: “WHEREFORE LAYING ASIDE ALL MALICE, AND ALL GUILE, AND HYPOCRISIES, AND ENVIES, AND ALL EVIL SPEAKING, AS NEWBORN BABES, DESIRE THE SINCERE MILK OF THE WORD, THAT YE MAY GROW THEREBY, IF SO BE YE HAVE TASTED THAT THE LORD IS GRACIOUS.”  (1Peter 2:1-3) Yes my beloved when we are newborn babes in Christ we need to desire the sincere milk of the WORD, and that WORD is the King James only!!!
  271. Did you know that the devil is a brain washer? Yes the devil surely is.  One of the hallmarks of religion is that religion brainwashes all who believe and abide by that particular religion and there are many, many religions to choose from my beloved.  Being religious is having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof.  See 2 Timothy 3:5. The devil deals in half-truths and that is exactly what religion gets you—half-truths! As I have said before religion is belief in “a” god not “the” God! Many religions but only one way to Heaven which is by CHRIST JESUS only! See John 14:6!
  272. What is the greatest knowledge that a person can know? The answer is the knowledge of the way of salvation! That way is only through CHRIST and no other my beloved! See John 14:6 again!
  273. When you can’t sleep at night do you count sheep? Don’t count sheep but talk to the Shepherd who is JESUS!
  274. Are you in darkness? If so then turn on the light.  That Light is JESUS my beloved!
  275. Are you complete person? If not then get saved and you shall be complete.  Colossians 2:10 states: “AND YE ARE COMPLETE IN HIM, WHICH IS THE HEAD OF ALL PRINCIPALITY AND POWER.”  Yes, when we are saved we are complete “in Christ” and nowhere else my beloved.
  276. Will you have eternal bliss or will you have eternal blisters when you leave this planet? Eternal bliss is found in Heaven and eternal blisters are found in Hell!
  277. Did you know that we need more Biblical preaching and less denominational preaching? How true that really is my beloved.
  278. What is the only “incorruptible” thing on this wonderful planet? Holy Bible! See 1 Peter 1:23.
  279. Did you know that JESUS is the God of hope? Yes He is! If you have JESUS you have hope but if you don’t have JESUS you don’t have hope!
  280. Why is the world an insane asylum? Because of religion, rock music, dope, rejection of JESUS, just to name a few! But the main reason is unbelief! Unbelief in CHRIST JESUS who is the author of eternal salvation.  The HOLY BIBLE states in Hebrews 5:9: “AND BEING MADE PERFECT, HE BECAME THE AUTHOR OF ETERNAL SALVAION UNTO ALL THEM THAT OBEY HIM: CALLED OF GOD AN HIGH PRIEST AFTER THE ORDER OF MELCHISEDEC.” Also see John 16:9.  Also in 1 John 5:19: “AND WE KNOW THAT WE ARE OF GOD, AND THE WHOLE WORLD LIETH IN WICKEDNESS.”  Yes my beloved the world is an insane asylum because of wickedness and unbelief!
  281. Does religion make it impossible to receive salvation? Yes indeed! The HOLY BIBLE makes salvation possible and religion makes salvation impossible.
  282. Did you know that to reject the Gospel means death and to accept the Gospel means life? How true that is! The HOLY BIBLE states in 2 Corinthians 2:15-16: “FOR WE ARE UNTO GOD A SWEET SAVOUR OF CHRIST, IN THEM THAT ARE SAVED, AND IN THEM THAT PERISH: TO THE ONE WE ARE THE SAVOUR OF DEATH UNTO DEATH; AND TO THE OTHER THE SAVOUR OF LIFE UNTO LIFE. AND WHO IS SUFFICIENT FOR THESE THINGS?” How glorious that really is.  So don’t reject the Gospel but accept the Gospel and be saved today if you are not saved my beloved!!!
  283. What is most missing in America? The real JESUS!
  285. Who is the author of eternal salvation? The answer is found in Hebrews 5:9-10: “AND BEING MADE PERFECT, HE BECAME THE AUTHOR OF ETERNAL SALVATION UNTO ALL THEM THAT OBEY HIM: CALLED OF GOD AN HIGH PRIEST AFTER THE ORDER OF MELCHISEDEC.”  JESUS is that author and He is the only author of eternal salvation and there are no others, so believe and be saved today! Religion will not give you eternal salvation precious soul, neither will church membership, or being a good person, or being baptized in the Catholic church.  Baptism has nothing to do with eternal salvation my beloved.  Don’t let the evil deceivers in the evil Catholic church dupe you any longer with their evil Catholic doctrines, for they are all doctrines of devils i.e. the pope’s infallibility, purgatory, transubstantiation, the mass, praying to dead saints, real presence of the host, the worship of Mary and yes they do worship Mary who is their goddess my beloved, to just name a few!
  286. Why is the NIV and all the other modern translations and versions doctrines of devils? The answer is found in the HOLY BIBLE in Luke 2:33: “AND JOSEPH AND HIS MOTHER MARVELLED AT THOSE THINGS WHICH WERE SPOKEN OF HIM.”  The blasphemous NIV says: “the child’s father and mother marveled at what was said about him.” Such evil blasphemy! The evil NIV even misspelled marvelled.  This is what you get with all of these evil modern versions and translations my beloved! Joseph was not the father of JESUS as the evil perverted NIV says! If Joseph was the father of JESUS then JESUS would not be God in flesh my beloved!!! It is total blasphemy! That is the evil NIV my beloved! Are you worshipping the real JESUS or are you worshipping the NIV jesus who is not the real JESUS???
  287. A lot of people don’t know when evening begins, so when does evening begin? Evening begins at six pm my beloved and not five pm!  The local news comes on at five pm and they say good evening this is the news at five.  They are so wrong! They supposed to say good afternoon not good evening! It is just like the evil NIV, misspelling words and not telling the truth and giving out blasphemous half-truths!
  288. Did you know that religion is belief in a god or a higher power? Yes how true that is! We don’t need a god or a higher power but we need JESUS who is the true God!
  289. What is a free thinker? A free thinker is a person who believes he or she is going to Heaven on their terms.  There terms will not do and their terms will not get them to Heaven either! To get to Heaven you have to go one way and that one way is the JESUS way my beloved!
  290. Did you know that to neglect JESUS is to reject JESUS? How true.
  291. Do females have a weaker nature than males? NO! Indeed not! I read where a pastor said that females have a weaker nature than males and he is indeed wrong about that for sure.  If he knew the HOLY BIBLE he would not be spouting out lies and perversion.  Nowhere in the WORD OF GOD does it say that females have a weaker nature than males!  The HOLY BIBLE  says in 1 Peter 3:7: “LIKEWISE, YE HUSBANDS, DWELL WITH THEM ACCORDING TO KNOWLEDGE, GIVING HONOUR UNTO THE WIFE, AS UNTO THE WEAKER VESSEL, AND AS BEING HEIRS TOGETHER OF THE GRACE OF LIFE; THAT YOUR PRAYERS BE NOT HINDERED.”  So there you have it my beloved.  Females don’t have a weaker nature than males but they do have a weaker vessel which is obvious.  Females have the very same sin nature as males do and that sin nature is not weaker in females than males as that pastor who is trying to appease his wife and other females spout! Such evil lies and hypocrisy from that pastor! That pastor needs to study the WORD OF GOD and he will find out what females are all about.  He is another one of those female worshippers!
  292. What is the one besetting sin of all females? The sin of fornication! These reprobate females live for it and they dress for it.  To pervert and damn and to increase the transgressors among men, that is their primary intention my beloved. IT IS ENOUGH TO MAKE YOU WANT TO THROW UP!  Don’t be duped any longer by these evil ungodly pervert females of Hell!  The HOLY BIBLE states in Proverbs 23:27-28: “FOR A WHORE IS A DEEP DITCH; AND A STRANGE WOMAN IS A NARROW PIT.  SHE ALSO LIETH IN WAIT AS FOR A PREY, AND INCREASETH THE TRANSGRESSORS AMONG MEN.  This is exactly what these fornicating females are all about my beloved.  Don’t you let a strange fornicating female even touch you precious soul, for they are out to damn your soul to Hell, and that they will do!
  293. Do you want to be wise unto salvation and have the keys to Heaven? If so, then the keys to Heaven is found in John 6:28-29: “THEN SAID THEY UNTO HIM, WHAT SHALL WE DO, THAT WE MIGHT WORK THE WORKS OF GOD? JESUS ANSWERED AND SAID UNTO THEM, THIS IS THE WORK OF GOD, THAT YE BELIEVED ON HIM WHOM HE HATH SENT.”  There it is my beloved, the keys to Heaven! To believe on Him is to believe on JESUS whom God the Father has sent! God the Father sent JESUS the Son to be the Saviour of the whole world not for a select group but for the whole wide world!!!  So believe on JESUS today and get those wonderful keys to Heaven my beloved!!!
  294. What is the work of God? The work of God is to believe on Him (JESUS) whom God the Father has sent!  John 6:28-29.
  295. Did you know that if you don’t crucify the flesh then the flesh will crucify you? How true that is.  As Christians we are to crucify the flesh.  The HOLY BIBLE states in Galatians 5:24: “AND THEY THAT ARE CHRIST’S HAVE CRUCIFIED THE FLESH WITH THE AFFECTIONS AND LUSTS.”  Yes my beloved, we are to crucify the flesh or the flesh will crucify us! Galatians 6:8 states: “FOR HE THAT SOWETH TO HIS FLESH SHALL OF THE FLESH REAP CORRUPTION; BUT HE THAT SOWETH TO THE SPIRIT SHALL OF THE SPIRIT REAP LIFE EVERLASTING.”  What could be plainer?
  296. Did you know that this is the fable generation? Yes that is so true.  So many don’t want the truth and the truth is the Gospel.  Fools and fables go hand in hand!
  297. It is either sin or SON.  Which is it for you? If you choose sin then you choose and receive eternal death but if you choose SON then you choose and receive eternal life.
  298. Did you know that there are only two options in this life? The light of the world who is JESUS or the blackness of darkness forever-Hell
  299. What is the shortcut to Hell? Suicide! Only for the unsaved. Christians cannot lose their salvation no matter what sin they commit.
  300. How did Herod die? He was eaten of worms.  See Luke 12:21-23.
  301. Why does the devil hate God so much? Because of jealousy and because there is no salvation for fallen angels.  Mankind has salvation for all those who receive it, but not so for fallen angels of which the devil is one.  JESUS shed His BLOOD only for mankind and not for fallen angels.  How glorious to know!
  302. What is the most important business in the whole wide world? It is to do our Father’s business, who is God the Father, which is the business of winning the lost! JESUS said in Luke 2:49: “AND HE SAID UNTO THEM, HOW IS IT THAT YE SOUGHT ME? WIST YE NOT THAT I MUST BE ABOUT MY FATHER’S BUSINESS?” Yes my beloved the business of winning the lost is the most important business in the whole wide world!
  303. Did you know that to accept the Gospel means life and to reject the Gospel means death? How true.  Accept the Gospel means life-eternal life and to reject the Gospel means death-eternal death in Hell and then into the lake of fire which is the second death.
  304. What is the Eve conspiracy? It is the continuation of what EVIL Eve did in the garden of Eden by the evil females of today.  As EVIL Eve perverted Adam so these pervert reprobate females are perverting the people of today, especially the children!  That evil is just what EVIL Eve did in the garden of Eden in which she perverted everything God said from A to Z! EVIL pervert Eve did not take responsibility for her perverted actions after she ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, but wanted to pervert Adam as well which is typical of all females-wanting to pervert those to whom they come in contact with.  She should have said I took of the tree and did evil but don’t you do what I did.  EVIL Eve did not say that my beloved did she? Oh no! Her EVIL intentions were to pervert and damn every soul after her creation and to damn and pervert Adam!  That is exactly what these reprobate evil females of today are doing my beloved. In a sinless perfect world EVIL pervert Eve perverted everything God said as Genesis chapter three records! Only a goofy pervert reprobate female could do such evil as that!  Today they are perverting the children and perverting everything God said and what God has done.  See Genesis chapter three.  Don’t be duped by these goofy evil reprobate females of today precious soul!!! DON’T LET THEM DEFILE YOU MY BELOVED!!!
  305. What is going on with all of this abortion coast to coast in the USA? It is these EVIL females and all of their EVIL fornication that we have all of this abortion/murder in America! Abortion is murder and these EVIL pervert females are the ones that are perverting this country from coast to coast with their EVIL perverted fornication.  They are the ones responsible for all of this abortion/murder! These EVIL pervert females need to stop having sex with every Tom, Dick, and wierdo in America! They are the ones that love their EVIL sodomy with black males! This my beloved is just what a pervert EVIL female is all about!!! Don’t be duped by these EVIL pervert females any longer! They live for perverted fornication and they dress for perverted fornication! Make no mistake about it!!! Now you know the truth of the matter my beloved!!!
  306. Is CCM (contemporary christian music) Christian? NO! Indeed not! It is just EVIL religious rock music.  It is witchcraft!  Religion damns but JESUS saves my beloved! It is the EVIL music for the harlot church which is alive and well in America today.  The harlot church has to have it’s harlot music and CCM is it!  CCM and all of these EVIL new translations and versions go hand in hand and we see it now more than ever in these churches. They tote their EVIL satanic NIV and there EVIL satanic RSV and all the others while listening to this ungodly CCM.  So many, if not all of the CCM singers are sodomites and lesbians and are not even Christian.  So don’t let them dupe you any longer my beloved.  They are all working for their EVIL master who is the devil!
  307. Is it ok for a female to teach children in the church? NO! They can only teach other female children and not male children.  Just as females are not to be pastors, they are not to teach other males whether children or adult! Don’t let any female pervert your child my beloved!
  308. How are we begotten into the family of God? The answer is found in James 1:18: “OF HIS OWN WILL BEGAT HE US WITH THE WORD OF TRUTH, THAT WE SHOULD BE A KIND OF FIRSTFRUITS OF HIS CREATURES.”  There you have it my beloved.  We are born into the family of God by the WORD OF GOD/WORD OF TRUTH which is the HOLY BIBLE! The HOLY BIBLE is only the King James! Don’t let doctrines of devils AKA all new translations and versions invade your home my beloved! Keep the King James and only the King James since the King James is the WORD OF GOD and the only WORD OF GOD!!!
  309. What does it mean when JESUS said in Matthew 22:14: “FOR MANY ARE CALLED, BUT FEW ARE CHOSEN.?”  It means that the many who are called are those who hear the Gospel but reject it or are as those in the parable of the sower in Matthew 13:18-23.  The chosen are those who hear the Gospel and believe and receive the Gospel gladly into their heart and are likewise saved!
  310. Are you the enemy of almighty God? You are the enemy of almighty God if you listen to and love rock music whether secular or religious (CCM) contemporary christian music! And by the way CCM is not Christian!!! Just having evil rock music in your home makes you the enemy of almighty God as well as having this evil CCM! Listen up all females to this truth! Just as listening to evil rock music is worldly so too is dressing like the world as well as listening to worldly evil music.  Do you dress in evil perverted blue jeans and call yourself a Christian? You are a liar indeed if you do! You need this truth more than anyone else-READ and HEED! Evil rock music in any form is of the world and what does the HOLY BIBLE say about those who are friends with the world? The answer is found in James 4:4: “YE ADULTERERS AND ADULTERESSES, KNOW YE NOT THAT THE FRIENDSHIP OF THE WORLD IS ENMITY WITH GOD? WHOSOEVER THEREFORE WILL BE A FREIND OF THE WORLD IS THE ENEMY OF GOD.”  The adulterers and adulteresses here are not adulterers and adulteresses of the flesh but they are spiritual adulterers and adulteresses which is far worse precious soul.  So there it is my beloved.  Do you love and adore evil, satanic, ungodly rock music? If so then you are the enemy of almighty God!!! Be sure to “BURN” all rock music whether secular or religious today my beloved and hear the devils scream!!!
  311. Do you believe in God or a god or gods? If that is all that you believe then you will surely drop into Hell. What think ye of Christ, who’s Son is He? That determines your destiny my beloved! It is not that you believe in God or a god or gods but what you think of Christ.  The HOLY BIBLE states in 1 John 5:11-12: “AND THIS IS THE RECORD, THAT GOD HATH GIVEN TO US ETERNAL LIFE, AND THIS LIFE IS IN HIS SON.  HE THAT HATH THE SON HATH LIFE; AND HE THAT HATH NOT THE SON OF GOD HATH NOT LIFE.”  The life mentioned here is eternal life not physical life my beloved! So therefore, believing in God or a god or gods does not give you eternal life.  Only belief in Christ brings eternal life!  John 3:36 states: “HE THAT BELIEVETH ON THE SON HATH EVERLASTING LIFE: AND HE THAT BELIEVETH NOT THE SON SHALL NOT SEE LIFE; BUT THE WRATH OF GOD ABIDETH ON HIM.”  Also in John 5:24: “VERILY, VERILY, I SAY UNTO YOU, HE THAT HEARETH MY WORD, AND BELIEVETH ON HIM THAT SENT ME, HATH EVERLASTING LIFE, AND SHALL NOT COME INTO CONDEMNATION; BUT IS PASSED FROM DEATH UNTO LIFE.”  He that heareth the Word is he that heareth the WORD OF GOD which is the HOLY BIBLE and the HOLY BIBLE is only the King James my beloved.  Don’t let any ungodly reprobate of the devil tell you otherwise my beloved!!! Also In John 6:47: “VERILY, VERILY, I SAY UNTO YOU, HE THAT BELIEVETH ON ME HATH EVERLASTING LIFE.”  This is what JESUS says! JESUS is the one true God! There are no others precious soul.  So believe on the LORD JESUS CHRIST today and be saved and be in that number when the saints go marching in!
  312. Did you know that the life of the flesh is in the blood and did you also know that our life eternal is in the BLOOD? Yes my beloved that is so wonderfully true.  The HOLY BIBLE states in Hebrews 9:12: “NEITHER BY THE BLOOD OF GOATS AND CALVES, BUT BY HIS OWN BLOOD HE ENTERED IN ONCE INTO THE HOLY PLACE, HAVING OBTAINED ETERNAL REDEMPTION FOR US.”  So there it is precious soul, our eternal life and existence is in the precious BLOOD OF JESUS! JESUS shed His precious BLOOD for your sins and mine so believe on the LORD JESUS CHRIST and be saved today if you are not saved! Accept JESUS as your own personal Saviour today and as I have said before, be in that number when the saints go marching in!
  313. Do all God called preachers use the King James HOLY BIBLE only? YES! All God called preachers only use the King James my beloved.  Don’t let all of these evil perverse false prophets AKA wolves in sheep’s clothing pervert or subvert you my beloved! If you go to a church where the pastor doesn’t use the King James then move out quickly and never return to that damned evil place!
  314. Do all devil called preachers use the new versions and translations? YES! The devil called preachers use the NIV, CEV, RSV, ESV, NLT, CSB, NRSV, NASB, and all the rest of the evil satanic new translations and versions which are obviously doctrines of devils! Make no mistake about it my beloved! Don’t let these evil devil worshippers AKA wolves in sheep clothing deceive you any longer my beloved!!!
  315. Who has God the Father appointed to be at the right hand and left hand of JESUS on His throne in Heaven? In Matthew 20:20-23: “THEN CAME TO HIM THE MOTHER OF ZEBEDEE.S CHILDREN WITH HER SONS, WORSHIPPING HIM, AND DESIRING A CERTAIN THING OF HIM.  AND HE SAID UNTO HER, WHAT WILT THOU?  SHE SAITH UNTO HIM, GRANT THAT THESE MY TWO SONS MAY SIT, THE ONE ON THE RIGHT HAND AND THE OTHER ON THE LEFT, IN THY KINGDOM.  BUT JESUS ANSWERED AND SAID, YE KNOW NOT WHAT YE ASK.  ARE YE ABLE TO DRINK OF THE CUP THAT I SHALL DRINK OF, AND TO BAPTIZED WITH THE BAPTISM THAT I AM BAPTIZED WITH? THEY SAY UNTO HIM, WE ARE ABLE.  AND HE SAID UNTO THEM, YE SHALL DRINK INDEED OF MY CUP, AND BE BAPTIZED WITH THE BAPTISM THAT I AM BAPTIZED WITH: BUT TO SIT ON MY RIGHT HAND, AND ON MY LEFT, IS NOT MINE TO GIVE, BUT IS SHALL BE GIVEN TO THEM FOR WHOM IT IS PREPARED OF MY FATHER.”  Now here we see the mother of James and John who came to Jesus concerning who will sit on the right hand and on the left hand of Jesus in Heaven.  Jesus said that it shall be given to them whom it is prepared for of God the Father.  The HOLY BIBLE doesn’t specifically say who will sit on the right hand and on the left hand of Jesus in Heaven but in Mark 9:2-4 we read something very interesting.  The HOLY BIBLE states in Mark 9:2-4:AND AFTER SIX DAYS JESUS TAKETH WITH HIM PETER, AND JAMES, AND JOHN, AND LEADETH THEM UP INTO AN HIGH MOUNTAIN APART BY THEMSELVES: AND HE WAS TRANSFIGURED BEFORE THEM.  AND HIS RAIMENT BECAME SHINING, EXCEEDING WHITE AS SNOW; SO AS NO FULLER ON EARTH CAN WHITE THEM.  AND THERE APPEARED UNTO THEM ELIAS AND MOSES: AND THEY WERE TALKING WITH JESUS.”  We see here that of all the prophets and all of the men who wrote the HOLY BIBLE and all who are in Heaven, that only Elias and Moses came down to speak with Jesus.  So it is my summation and I think quite obvious that Elias (Greek form of Elijah) who is Elijah and Moses will be on the right hand and on the left hand of Jesus in Heaven.  I think that Moses will be on the right hand and Elijah will be on the left hand of Jesus in Heaven!  How wonderful to know!
  316. Did you know that in this life there is either salvation or damnation? Yes indeed that is so true! Salvation is only “IN CHRIST” and no one else or religion or thing! Damnation is only when a person rejects God’s so great salvation and that salvation is in belief! Belief on what JESUS has done for you on the cross! JESUS shed His precious BLOOD for your salvation and mine my beloved.  John 5:24 states: “VERILY, VERILY, I SAY UNTO YOU, HE THAT HEARETH MY WORD, AND BELIEVETH ON HIM THAT SENT ME, HATH EVERLATING LIFE, AND SHALL NOT COME INTO CONDEMNATION; BUT IS PASSED FROM DEATH UNTO LIFE.”  Yes precious soul, this is salvation!!!
  317. Who is the Creator of the universe? His name is JESUS!!! Genesis 1:1 says that in the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth and God’s name is JESUS my beloved!!!
  318. What is the mindset of this world? That mindset is answered in 1 John 2:16: “FOR ALL THAT IS IN THE WORLD, THE LUST OF THE FLESH, AND THE LUST OF THE EYES, AND THE PRIDE OF LIFE, IS NOT OF THE FATHER, BUT IS OF THE WORLD.” Yes indeed, there is the truth on the matter my beloved! The lifestyle of the world is the lust of the flesh.  Their gaze is the lust of the eyes.  Their way of life is the pride of life.  How true that really is.  That is the mindset of the world, the world of the unsaved, the anti-Christ world, the religious world, the sports world, the business world, the political world, etc..  The devil is the god of this world and the world system and so therefore you are going to have the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the pride of life! The world system is evil as 1 John 5:19 states: “AND WE KNOW THAT WE ARE OF GOD, AND THE WHOLE WORLD LIETH IN WICKEDNESS.”  The whole world system is of the devil as is the world of the unsaved! It is evil and wicked my beloved.  JESUS says not to be of the world and worldly if you are saved.
  319. Who is a liar? The answer is found in 1 John 2:22: “WHO IS A LIAR BUT HE THAT DENIETH THAT JESUS IS THE CHRIST? HE IS ANTI-CHRIST, THAT DENIETH THAT FATHER AND THE SON.”  Yes JESUS is the one and the only CHRIST and therefore is the one and the only God! There are no others.  Only JESUS is the way to Heaven-THE WAY! Not a way my beloved!
  320. Can anyone explain the Holy Trinity? YES! It is easy to explain that.  I heard one day from a preacher who said that if we could explain the Trinity we would be equal with God.  Well, that is a lie from Hell obviously! We can explain the Holy Trinity very simply.  As God is a Trinity we are a trinity as well.  We are spirit, soul, and body.  God is Father, Son, and Holy Ghost! We are made in the image of God so therefore we can understand the Holy Trinity.
  321. Do you have faith or do you have saving faith? There is a difference you know! A person can have faith.  There are many faiths in this world, but only “ONE” saving faith.  That saving faith is only “IN CHRIST”!!! Where is your faith today my beloved? Is your faith in a religion or is you faith “IN CHRIST”?
  322. If you are not saved did you know that in your flesh dwells no good thing? Yes that is so true! The HOLY BIBLE states in Romans 7:18: “FOR I KNOW THAT IN ME (THAT IS, IN MY FLESH,) DWELLETH NO GOOD THING: FOR TO WILL IS PRESENT WITH ME, BUT HOW TO PERFORM THAT WHICH IS GOOD I FIND NOT.”  Also in Romans 8:6: “FOR TO BE CARNALLY MINDED IS DEATH;  BUT TO BE SPIRITUALLY MINDED IS LIFE AND PEACE.”  Also in Romans 8:8: “SO THEN THEY THAT ARE IN THE FLESH CANNOT PLEASE GOD.”  We are all in the flesh until we are born again spiritually.  So to be in the flesh one cannot please God.  To be in the flesh is to be unsaved and on the road to Hell.  You must be born again as JESUS told Nicodemus in John 3:3: “JESUS ANSWERED AND SAID UNTO HIM, VERILY, VERILY, I SAY UNTO THEE, EXCEPT A MAN BE BORN AGAIN, HE CANNOT SEE THE KINGDOM OF GOD.”  Read John chapter three. Always remember—-you cannot win being in the flesh!  For the person who is saved the HOLY Bible states in Ephesians 2:1-3: “AND YOU HATH HE QUICKENED, WHO WERE DEAD IN TRESPASSES AND SINS; WHEREIN IN TIME PAST YE WALKED ACCORDING TO THE COURSE OF THIS WORLD, ACCORDING TO THE PRINCE OF THE POWER OF THE AIR, THE spirit THAT NOW WORKETH IN THE CHILDREN OF DISOBEDIENCE: AMONG WHOM ALSO WE ALL HAD OUR CONVERSATION IN TIMES PAST IN THE LUSTS OF OUR FLESH, FULFILLING THE DESIRES OF THE FLESH AND OF THE MIND; AND WERE BY NATURE THE CHILDREN OF WRATH, EVEN AS OTHERS.”  Yes this was our state when we were unsaved and the state the unsaved are in now.  So if you are unsaved then this part of the HOLY BIBLE is needed for you to study and to see your condition in life now.  The prince of the power of the air in verse two is the devil.  So if you are not saved now then you need to know this fact.  Be saved today and don’t put it off!
  323. Do you believe about JESUS or do you believe “on” JESUS? You can believe about JESUS and still be unsaved since believing about JESUS is head belief! Believing “on” JESUS is heart belief my beloved since believing “on” JESUS is to believe and trust what JESUS has done for you and thereby accepting what JESUS has done for you, therefore you are saved.
  324. What is the error of “your” way? That error is going your way and not God’s way.  Your way damns but God’s way saves! Your way is “a” way and not “THE” way! “The” way is found in John 14:4: “JESUS SAITH UNTO HIM, I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE; NO MAN COMETH UNTO THE FATHER BUT BY ME.”  Now that is so true my beloved! Also in James 5:19-20: “BRETHREN, IF ANY OF YOU DO ERR FROM THE TRUTH, AND ONE CONVERT HIM; LET HIM KNOW, THAT HE WHICH CONVERTETH THE SINNER FROM THE ERROR OF HIS WAY, SHALL SAVE A SOUL FROM DEATH, AND SHALL HIDE A MULTITUDE OF SINS.”  If you are a sinner, which is a person who is not saved, you are going your way and that way is error or the “error way”! That way is the broad road! You must be converted and be saved and then you will be on the right way which is the narrow way my beloved! Then and only then will you be a son of God!
  325. Who was the smartest disciple of all the disciples that Jesus had? Of course it was John.  John was the smartest because he did not get married for number one and number two he was the closest to Jesus of all the disciples.  He did not have a female to hear all of her perverted “evil” jibber jabber and all of her other perverted “evil” goofiness that all females bring into a marriage.  He didn’t have a goofy female wearing her “evil” fornication feminist pants.  He didn’t have a goofy female to pervert his ministry and the HOLY BIBLE as they always do and have been doing since the garden of Eden when “evil” perverted reprobate Eve perverted everything God said and perverted Adam and everyone that will be born afterward and put them born in sin.  Only “evil” pervert Eve did that.  Only a goofy “EVIL” female can do that my beloved since a female is more bitter than death as per the HOLY BIBLE Ecclesiastes 7:26! You cannot get any worse than that my beloved! Also John did not get martyred as so many of the others if not all were! He was very smart indeed!
  326. When we are saved (born again) what are we ordained to do? We are ordained to do good works. Not to work for our salvation but to do good works after our salvation.  The HOLY BIBLE states in Ephesians 2:8-10: “FOR BY GRACE ARE YE SAVED THROUGH FAITH; AND THAT NOT OF YOURSELVES: IT IS THE GIFT OF GOD: NOT OF WORKS, LEST ANY MAN SHOULD BOAST, FOR WE ARE HIS WORKMANSHIP, CREATED IN CHRIST JESUS UNTO GOOD WORKS, WHICH GOD HATH BEFORE ORDAINED THAT WE SHOULD WALK IN THEM.”  So there you have it my beloved.  We are ordained unto good works after being saved.  So go out and spread the Gospel everywhere.  Amen and hallelujah!!!
  327. Does JESUS have an “abode” with you? If not then you are on the road to Hell, since you are not saved!  The HOLY BIBLE states in John 14:23: “JESUS ANSWERED AND SAID UNTO HIM, IF A MAN LOVE ME, HE WILL KEEP MY WORDS: AND MY FATHER WILL LOVE HIM, AND WE WILL COME UNTO HIM, AND MAKE OUR ABODE WITH HIM.”  How glorious to know! When we are saved then God the Father and JESUS the Son has their abode with us and the HOLY GHOST dwells in us!  Amen and hallelujah!!! Perfect and complete love and union! If you do not possess the HOLY GHOST then you are not saved and therefore not a Christian.  If you are not saved then be saved today!
  328. What is predestination and when does it begin? The answer is found in Romans 8:29: “FOR WHOM HE DID FOREKNOW, HE ALSO DID PREDESTINATE TO BE CONFORMED TO THE IMAGE OF HIS SON, THAT HE MIGHT BE THE FIRSTBORN AMONG MANY BRETHREN.”  There you have it my beloved.  We are predestined to be conformed to the image of CHRIST.  So therefore predestination is not that some are elected to go to Hell and others to Heaven but rather predestination is for all Christians! So predestination begins after one is saved and not before.  For some to say that some are predestined to go to Hell and others are predestined to go to Heaven is going against John 3:16 which states: “FOR GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD, THAT HE GAVE HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON, THAT WHOSOEVER BELIEVETH IN HIM SHOULD NOT PERISH, BUT HAVE EVERLASTING LIFE.”  The whosoever does not mean that some are elected to go to Hell while others are elected to go to Heaven but it means exactly what it says.  Whosoever means anyone and everyone can be saved and have everlasting life.
  329. Are you abiding in the Vine? The HOLY BIBLE states in John15:1-2: “I AM THE TRUE VINE, AND MY FATHER IS THE HUSBANDMAN.  EVERY BRANCH IN ME THAT BEARETH NOT FRUIT HE TAKETH AWAY: AND EVERY BRANCH THAT BEARETH FRUIT, HE PURGETH IT, THAT IT MAY BRING FORTH MORE FRUIT.”  This verse tells us that if you are a Christian and are not doing Christian service i.e. showing others how to be saved, giving out tracts, praying, and other Christian services, then that means you are worldly, then God the Father takes you away! This is called the sin unto death for the Christian.  Rebellion is not living the Christian life as you should which means you are worldly and being worldly means you are an enemy of God the Father! James 4:4 states: “YE ADULTERERS AND ADULTERESSES, KNOW YE NOT THAT THE FRIENDSHIP OF THE WORLD IS ENMITY WITH GOD: WHOSOEVER THEREFORE WILL BE A FRIEND OF THE WORLD IS THE ENEMY OF GOD.”  Being a friend of the world for the Christian is spiritual adultery! Being worldly for the Christian is rebellion and rebellion is the sin unto death and that sin brings death for the Christian!
  330. What does John 3:5 really mean? John 3:5 states: “JESUS ANSWERED, VERILY, VERILY, I SAY UNTO THEE, EXCEPT A MAN BE BORN OF WATER AND OF THE SPIRIT, HE CANNOT ENTER INTO THE KINGDOM OF GOD.”  So many people don’t know that the Water here is.  The evil Catholic church teaches that the water here in this verse is the water of baptism which is an evil lie from Hell.  It is one of their evil perverted Catholic doctrines! It is a doctrine of devils my beloved!  The truth is that the Water in this verse is the Water of the Word-the Word of God-the HOLY BIBLE! Revelation 22:17 states: “AND THE SPIRIT AND THE BRIDE SAY, COME.  AND LET HIM THAT HEARETH SAY, COME.  AND LET HIM THAT IS ATHIRST COME.  AND WHOSOEVER WILL, LET HIM DRINK THE WATER OF LIFE FREELY.”  The WATER OF LIFE is the WORD OF GOD-the HOLY BIBLE as Revelation plainly states! So therefore, we are born of Water of the Word which is the HOLY BIBLE as Ephesians 5:25-27 states: “HUSBANDS, LOVE YOUR WIVES, EVEN AS CHRIST ALSO LOVED THE CHURCH, AND GAVE HIMSELF FOR IT; THAT HE MIGHT SANCTIFY AND CLEANSE IT WITH THE WASHING OF WATER BY THE WORD, THAT HE MIGHT PRESENT IT TO HIMSELF A GLORIOUS CHURCH, NOT HAVING SPOT, OR WRINKLE, OR ANY SUCH THING; BUT THAT IT SHOULD BE HOLY AND WITHOUT BLEMISH.”  We are born again by Water-HOLY BIBLE and of the Spirit-HOLY SPIRIT.  1 Peter 1:23 states: “BEING BORN AGAIN, NOT OF CORRUPTIBLE SEED, BUT OF INCORRUPTIBLE, BY THE WORD OF GOD, WHICH LIVETH AND ABIDETH FOR EVER.”  To be born there has to be a seed-as in the natural so in the spiritual! That spiritual Seed is the WORD OF GOD-the HOLY BIBLE which is only the King James my beloved and no other.  Don’t let all of these evil false prophets tell you otherwise, for they are “all” working for their evil master the devil!
  331. Do Christians smoke cigarettes? NO! Smoking cigarettes is satanic and evil.  Church going hypocrites smoke cigarettes and the lost smoke evil cigarettes but not Christians since God’s people are citizens of Heaven!
  332. Do Christians listen to “evil” rock music? NO! As citizens of Heaven, we do not listen to ungodly perverted rock music. Only the unsaved and church going hypocrites, (who are not saved but just religious) listen to that evil perversion! Make no mistake about it my beloved!
  333. Do Christian females wear “evil” tight blue jeans which are “evil” fornication pants? NO! Females wear evil tight blue jeans for one and only one perverted reason and anyone with a brain knows why!  Who do they think they are fooling? Evil unsaved females wear this king of perversion but not a Christian female my beloved! Don’t be duped any longer on the matter! If you say you are a Christian female and wear “evil” tight blue jeans then I suggest that you get saved today because the devil has slipped you a counterfeit salvation! Be saved today and you will not wear such evil perversion!
  334. Do Christians listen to CCM (contemporary christian music)? NO! CCM is nothing but witchcraft pure and simple.  It is harlot music for the harlot church that is in full swing today.  Most, over 75% of the churches of today promote this evil CCM with their evil doctrines of devils which are all modern translations and versions! They go hand in hand my beloved! Don’t let all of these evil false prophets subvert and pervert you! Go to a church is that KING JAMES ONLY! Don’t go to a church with their perverted “EVIL” new versions which as I have said before are only doctrines of devils! WARNING! You cannot get saved with all of these “EVIL” new modern versions and translations such as the evil NIV and the evil ESV and the evil RSV since all new modern translations and versions are not the “Incorruptible Seed”! Make no mistake about it my beloved!
  335. Have you been born of Water as the HOLY BIBLE states? If no then you need to be saved! Today is the day of salvation my beloved! What is the Water? The answer is found in Revelation 22:17: “AND THE SPIRIT AND THE BRIDE SAY, COME.  AND LET HIM THAT IS ATHIRST COME.  AND WHOSOEVER WILL, LET HIM TAKE THE WATER OF LIFE FREELY.”  There it is my beloved.  The Water is the WATER OF LIFE which is the WORD OF GOD who is JESUS and JESUS is the WORD as John 1:1 states: “IN THE BEGINNING WAS THE WORD, AND WORD WAS WITH GOD, AND THE WORD WAS GOD.”   John 1:14 states: “AND THE WORD WAS MADE FLESH, AND DWELT AMONG US, AND WE BEHELD HIS GLORY, THE GLORY AS OF THE ONLY BEGOTTEN OF THE FATHER, FULL OF GRACE AND TRUTH.”  How wonderful and glorious precious soul!
  336. What is going on with all of this goofy trans-gender perversion in the USA? The answer is coming soon.
  337. What is gender dysphoria? The answer is coming soon.