Do I Have To Be Baptized In Water To Go To Heaven? NO!

Do I have to be baptized in water to go to Heaven? NO!

Water baptism has nothing to do with salvation! The thief on the cross did not get baptized and JESUS said that he would be with Him in Paradise that day.

Nowhere in the HOLY BIBLE does it say that we have to be baptized to go to Heaven! Don’t let all of these “EVIL” cults tell you that you must be baptized to go to Heaven my beloved! JESUS says otherwise in His WORD!

Water baptism signifies death not life my beloved! Death to the old nature and new life and new nature “in Christ”! As Christians we have two natures; one is the sin nature we received at birth and the new nature we received at being born again! We will have those two natures until death.  The old nature is not totally eradicated when one is born again precious soul! So put off the old man and put on the new man which is made in CHRIST JESUS! The HOLY BIBLE states in Romans 7:18-25: “FOR I KNOW THAT IN ME (THAT IS, IN MY FLESH,) DWELLETH NO GOOD THING: FOR TO WILL IS PRESENT WITH ME; BUT HOW TO PERFORM THAT WHICH IS GOOD I FIND NOT.  FOR THE GOOD THAT I WOULD I DO NOT: BUT THE EVIL WHICH I WOULD NOT, THAT I DO.  NOW IF I DO THAT I WOULD NOT, IT IS NO MORE I THAT DO IT, BUT SIN THAT DWELLETH IN ME.  I FIND THEN A LAW, THAT WHEN I WOULD DO GOOD, EVIL IS PRESENT WITH ME.  FOR I DELIGHT I THE LAW OF GOD AFTER THE INWARD MAN: BUT I SEE ANOTHER LAW IN MY MEMBERS, WARRING AGAINST THE LAW OF MY MIND, AND BRINGING ME INTO CAPTIVITY TO THE LAW OF SIN WHICH IS IN MY MEMBERS.  O WRETCHED MAN THAT I AM! WHO SHALL DELIVER ME FROM THE BODY OF THIS DEATH? I THANK GOD THROUGH JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD.  SO THEN WITH THE MIND I MYSELF SERVE THE LAW OF GOD; BUT WITH THE FLESH THE LAW OF SIN.”