Do You Know Your Hymns


The soldiers hymn—We’re marching to Zion

The homemakers hymn—Break thou the Bread of Life

The airline pilot’s hymn—JESUS Saviour pilot me

The horticulturalists hymn—The beautiful garden of prayer

The first responder’s hymn—Rescue the perishing

The mariner’s hymn—From every stormy wind

The telephone repairman’s hymn—The royal telephone

The archeologist’s hymn—Rock of ages

The humble Christian’s hymn—O to be nothing

The outdoorsman hymn—Camping in Canaan’s land

The mountain climber’s hymn—Go tell it on the mountain

The DJ’s hymn—Turn your radio on

The meteorologist’s hymn—The uncloudy day

The doctor’s hymn—The great Physician

The child’s hymn—He’s got the whole world in His hands

The convicted felon’s hymn—He set me free

The dentist’s hymn—Crown Him with many crowns

The electrician’s hymn—Send the light

The realitor’s hymn—I’ve got a mansion just over the hilltop

The optometrist’s hymn—Open my eyes that I might see

The politician’s hymn—Standing on the promises